March 9, 2025 09:43



Knowing Ahmadiyah and Ahmadiyah Sidoarjo in Maintaining Existence

A belief is what is believed and inherited by previous humans based on religious experiences formed from communication or the process of meeting with God. One of them was experienced by the figure of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, who did not inherit a religion, but received a cult of "revelation" from

by Prodi Studi Agama-agama
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Campus as a Second Home (Series 1).

Campus as a Second Home (Series 1). by: Prof. Akh. Muzakki, M.Ag, Grad.Dip.SEA, M.Phil, Ph.D Rektor UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya Home is where the heart is. "Rumah adalah tempat hati bersemayam. Tempat hati mendapatkan ketenangan. Tempat hati meraih kedamaian. Tempat hati menemukan kesejukan." That's a cool quote about the essence

by UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
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