September 17, 2024 02:22



Congratulations to Promovendus Moh. Afandi who has successfully defended his dissertation entitled “Social Construction of Gender Jurisprudence in the Perspective of Madurese Ulama”.

Congratulations to Promovendus Moh. Afandi who has successfully defended his dissertation entitled SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION OF GENDER FIKIH IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF MADURA ULAMA in front of the examiners. Promovendus is entitled to obtain the 828th doctoral degree at the Postgraduate Program of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya on January 13, 2023.

by Prodi Doktor Studi Islam
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Deputy Chairman of the East Java DPRD, Anwar Sadad Earns Doctorate Degree in Islamic Politics at UINSA

Deputy Chairman of the East Java DPRD, Anwar Sadad when he received a Doctorate in Islamic Politics from UINSA University. (Pca) Deputy Chairman of the East Java Provincial DPRD, Anwar Sadad successfully holds a Doctorate in Islamic Politics. This is after he successfully completed an open examination in the Postgraduate

by Prodi Doktor Studi Islam
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Strengthening Students’ Competence in Academic Writing and Publication of Doctoral’s Students in Islamic Studies Program

Let's join Strengthening Students' Competence in Academic Writing and Publication of Doctoral's Students in Islamic Studies ProgramDate : 05 July 2023Time : 09.30 - 12.30 WIBVenue : KH. Mahrus Aly Tower 3rd Floor

by Prodi Doktor Studi Islam
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Meeting with the Quality Assurance Agency (LPM) for the purpose of strengthening the accreditation of the postgraduate program

Meeting with the Quality Assurance Agency (LPM) for the purpose of strengthening the accreditation of the postgraduate program through the formulation of the baseline of the existing conditions (analysis of the availability of permanent lecturers in the study program).

by Prodi Doktor Studi Islam
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Congratulations to Lina Nur Anisa On a successful open defense! She has successfully defended her dissertation titled ” RELASI SUAMI ISTRI DI KELUARGA JAMAAH TABLIGH DESA TEMBORO KECAMATAN KARAS KABUPATEN MAGETAN (Tinjauan Fiqih Keluarga dan Perubahan Sosial).”

Congratulations to Lina Nur Anisa On a successful opened defense! She has successfully defended her dissertation titled " RELASI SUAMI ISTRI DI KELUARGA JAMAAH TABLIGH DESA TEMBORO KECAMATAN KARAS KABUPATEN MAGETAN (Tinjauan Fiqih Keluarga dan Perubahan Sosial)." (04/07/2023)Pascasarjana UINSA Surabaya, Building Character Qualities: for the Smart, Pious, and Honourable

by Prodi Doktor Studi Islam
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Congratulation to KHOBIBAH On succesful opened defense! She has succesfully defended her disertation titled “REKONSTRUKSI HUKUM ANAK LUAR KAWIN (Kajian Hukum Normatif Putusan Perkara Anak Luar Kawin di Pengadilan Negeri dan Pengadilan Agama)”

Congratulation to KHOBIBAH On succesful opened defense! She has succesfully defended her disertation titled " REKONSTRUKSI HUKUM ANAK LUAR KAWIN (Kajian Hukum Normatif Putusan Perkara Anak Luar Kawin di Pengadilan Negeri dan Pengadilan Agama)" (10/07/2023) Pascasarjana UINSA Surabaya, Building Character Qualities: for the Smart, Pious, and Honourable

by Prodi Doktor Studi Islam
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Congratulation to Abd. Wahed On succesful closed defense! He has succesfully defended his disertation titled “Konstruksi Kyai di Pamekasan tentang Sabilillah sebagai Mustahiq Zakat”

Congratulation to Abd. Wahed On succesful closed defense! He has succesfully defended his disertation titled "Konstruksi Kyai di Pamekasan tentang Sabilillah sebagai Mustahiq Zakat". (11/07/2023) Pascasarjana UINSA Surabaya, Building Character Qualities: for the Smart, Pious, and Honourable

by Prodi Doktor Studi Islam
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Opened Defense: Ida Rochmawati “Gerakan Sosial Perempuan Dalam Moderasi Beragama di Indonesia: Studi Kasus The Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN) Indonesia”

Congratulation to Ida Rochmawati On succesful opened defense! She has succesfully defended her disertation titled "Gerakan Sosial Perempuan Dalam Moderasi Beragama di Indonesia: Studi Kasus The Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN) Indonesia". (12/07/2023)

by Prodi Doktor Studi Islam
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Congratulation to Ida Rochmawati On succesful opened defense “Gerakan Sosial Perempuan Dalam Moderasi Beragama di Indonesia: Studi Kasus The Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN) Indonesia”

Congratulation to Ida Rochmawati On succesful opened defense! She has succesfully defended her disertation titled "Gerakan Sosial Perempuan Dalam Moderasi Beragama di Indonesia: Studi Kasus The Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN) Indonesia". (12/07/2023) Pascasarjana UINSA Surabaya, Building Character Qualities: for the Smart, Pious, and Honourable

by Prodi Doktor Studi Islam
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National Seminar: Cyber Islam in Islamic Media

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by Prodi Doktor Studi Islam
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