February 13, 2025 05:08



Congratulation to Isa Ashori on succesful opened defense “Dimensi Irfani Dalam Putusan Majelis Tarjih danTajdid Muhammadiyah dalam Pandangan Ulama Muhammadiyah Jawa Timur”

Congratulation to ISA ANSHORI on succesful opened defense! He has succesfully defended his disertation titled "Dimensi Irfani Dalam Putusan Majelis Tarjih danTajdid Muhammadiyah dalam Pandangan Ulama Muhammadiyah Jawa Timur" (11/07/2023) Pascasarjana UINSA Surabaya, Building Character Qualities: for the Smart, Pious, and Honourable NationEmail:pps@uinsby.ac.id

by Prodi Doktor Studi Islam
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Discussion with Dr. Alexander Raymond Arifianto, Ph.D. (Nanyang University Singapore)

Nice topic with Dr. Alexander Raymond Arifianto, Ph.D. (Nanyang University Singapore) at director meeting room 2nd fl. Tower KH. Mahrus Aly Building. (23/06/2023)

by Prodi Doktor Studi Islam
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Dissertation Qualifying Exam: Nuning Rodiyah “Islam, Media, dan Gender: Peran Televisi dalam Mengkonstruksi Gender (Studi Kasus Program Siaran Sinetron Ramadhan)”

Congratulations to Nuning Rodiyah, who defended her dissertation qualifying exam "ISLAM, MEDIA DAN GENDER: PERAN TELEVISI DALAM MENGKONSTRUKSI GENDER (Studi Kasus Program Siaran Sinetron Ramadhan). Rodiyah is now a Doctoral candidate and on her way to a doctor.The doctoral qualifying exam is an examination required for all doctoral students to prove

by Prodi Doktor Studi Islam
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UINSA Information Systems Study Program Holds E-GOVERNMENT Guest Lecture

The United Nations (UN) conducted an E-Government Survey in 2022 which ranked Indonesia 77th for its performance in the development and implementation of Electronic Based Government Systems (EBS). The survey results made Indonesia rise 11 ranks from 88th in 2020 and 107th in 2018. It is true that issues surrounding

by Prodi Sistem Informasi
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DENCOFE 2023: Merayakan Ulang Tahun Ilmu Komunikasi UINSA dengan Konser Meriah

Surabaya, 10 Juni 2023 - Himpunan Mahasiswa Program Studi (HMP) Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel (UINSA) Surabaya sukses menggelar acara tahunan Communication Science Festival atau Dies Natalis jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi yang kali ini dikenal dengan nama DENCOFE 2023. Acara yang berlangsung di Sport Center UINSA tersebut berhasil menarik

by Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi
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Closed Defense: Vicky Izza El Rahma “Penafsiran Kiai NU terhadap Ayat-Ayat tentang Hak Kebebasan Beragama dan Berkeyakinan Intraumat Islam (Kajian Fenomologis Antropologis Relasi Sosial Keagamaan NU dengan Kelompok Wahabi dan Syiah di Kabupaten Bangkalan)”

Congratulation to Vicky Izza El Rahma On succesful closed defense! She has succesfully defended her disertation titled "Penafsiran Kiai NU terhadap Ayat-Ayat tentang Hak Kebebasan Beragama dan Berkeyakinan Intraumat Islam (Kajian Fenomologis Antropologis Relasi Sosial Keagamaan NU dengan Kelompok Wahabi dan Syiah di Kabupaten Bangkalan)." (19/05/2023)

by Prodi Doktor Studi Islam
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Not many government officials are willing to exert themselves with visions, concepts, and innovative-productive policy breakthroughs while in office. When someone enters the network of government positions, they often get busy with the exterior dimensions of their position; economy, politics, and power. Pak Lukman Hakim Saifuddin (often called LHS )

by Prodi Doktor Studi Islam
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Postgraduate Islamic Studies Study Program at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya (Accredited: Very Good)

Postgraduate Islamic Studies Study Program at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya (Accredited: Very Good)Set forth outstanding researchers and islamic observers based on integrated theological and scientific paradigm.Let's join us!! Pascasarjana UINSA Surabaya, Building Character Qualities: for the Smart, Pious, and Honourable NationEmail:pps@uinsby.ac.id

by Prodi Doktor Studi Islam
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Closed Defense: Siti Aisah “Living Sufism Dalam Dakwah Islam (Studi Tentang Pemikiran dan Aksi Kiai Tasawuf di Jawa Timur)”

Congratulations to Siti Aisah on a successful closed defense! She has successfully defended her dissertation titled "LIVING SUFISM DALAM DAKWAH ISLAM (Studi Tentang Pemikiran dan Aksi Kiai Tasawuf di Jawa Timur)". (06/04/2023)

by Prodi Doktor Studi Islam
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Congratulations to Anwar Sadad On successful closed defense! He has successfully defended his dissertation titled “Genealogi Politik Islam Indonesia Perspektif Maqasid Al-Shari’ah (Telaah Produk Kebijakan Pemprov Jawa Timur)”

Congratulation to Anwar Sadad On succesful closed defense! He has succesfully defended his disertation titled "Genealogi Politik Islam Indonesia Perspektif Maqasid Al-Shari'ah (Telaah Produk Kebijakan Pemprov Jawa Timur)" (05/04/2023) Pascasarjana UINSA Surabaya, Building Character Qualities: for the Smart, Pious, and Honourable NationEmail:pps@uinsby.ac.id

by Prodi Doktor Studi Islam
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