Hopes of the Head of Psychology Study Program regarding Next Year's International Conference Agenda: Evaluation of English and Human Relationship Topics

Sidoarjo – (31/08/2023) The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Health Promotion (ICOSHPRO) 2023 has run smoothly. Various parties have actively contributed to the implementation of this year’s international conference activities.
The presence of three great resource persons as ICOSHPRO this time is full of meaning. With their fluency in English when presenting the material, the three speakers managed to get attention and a special impression from the audience.
Active skills in English need to be possessed by all groups, especially institutional activist lecturers and students. The importance of this ability is of particular concern to the academic community when there are International Conference activities that require communication using English. This is true, “It seems like we need a community or English language development program for lecturers, because lecturers need a place to practice English so they won’t be surprised if there is an International Conference event like this,” said Lufiana Harnany Utami. The Head of the Psychology Study Program continued that for presenters, apart from being able to actively understand English, a presenter also needs to actively express their ideas in English.
The presence of this International Conference held by the Faculty of Psychology and Health needs to be continued by bringing a new and interesting theme to be carried out in the theme of the next International Conference. “For me, the phenomenon that is being discussed a lot is around social media and human relationships, such as the phenomenon of love but there is violence and scams in relationships,” said Lufiana, when met after being a moderator on the Call Paper Presentation agenda.
Writer: M. Ata Zaidan Taufiqi
Editor: Muhammad Syifaul Muntafi, M. Sc