
Continuing to expand the network of psychological services, now PALP UINSA also carries out psychological tests at MTsN 2 Probolinggo

Probolinggo-(08/08/2023) Entering the new academic year, MTsN 2 Probolinggo invited the UINSA PALP (Psychological Assessment and Services Center) team to carry out psychological tests.

The implementation of this psychological test lasted approximately 2 hours involving 4 testers and participants consisting of 139 students.

The psychological tests administered cover several areas, including; intelligence tests, personality tests, learning styles, and also job interests. This activity was accompanied by two accompanying lecturers from the Faculty of Psychology and Health.

Now the PALP network is increasingly expanding with various educational institutions. In the future, it is hoped that this program will always be successful and the relationships forged can be strengthened again.

Writer: Najwa Laska Halqi
Editor: Ayda Zaqiyatunnisa