Explaining the Importance of Humane Nutrition Education for the Community, Health Analyst: "It's Difficult, but Don't Give Up!"

Gunung Anyar, Surabaya – (06/09/2023) Welcoming the second batch of new students from the Nutrition Study Program, the Faculty of Psychology and Health held Competency Enrichment by inviting Yuni Prabawani, STP, M. Kes.
Held in the FPK Building Auditorium. This activity started at 13:00 and was opened by Dr. Suryani, S. Ag, S. Psi, M. Si as Deputy Dean I, which was then followed by reading the CV by the Moderator, Sarita Oktorina, M. Kes.
The material entitled “The Role of Nutritionists in Preventing Nutritional Problems” explains nutritionist competency standards, nutritionist competency areas, and nutritional interventions on domestic problems as well as accelerating improvements in community nutrition. Diverse and interesting data is displayed resulting in students’ understanding being complete and objective.
The UPT Nutrition Laboratory Health Analyst also provided tips for becoming a successful nutritionist, one of which is being good at communicating effectively with the public. Nutritionists certainly play a big role in nutrition education to the public.
This explanation became the motivation for Hana Khoirunnisa—one of the nutrition students—to ask questions about how nutritionists can provide education to people who are sometimes difficult to provide education to.
The resource person also emphasized the importance of humanist education to society. “A nutritionist must also have the ability to communicate effectively without blaming and be good at seeing conditions. It’s difficult, but don’t give up!” Said the woman in the pink headscarf.
Providing comprehensive material provides insight and practical advice for students. This activity also reminds the importance of nutrition and the role of nutritionists in promoting healthy lifestyles, as well as joint efforts to prevent stunting and malnutrition.
Writer: M. Ata Zaidan Taufiqi
Editor: Ayda Zaqiyatunnisa