Listen to Suggestions to Improve Services, PALP UINSA Invites Partners to ICHOSPRO 2023

Sidoarjo–(08/30/2023) Trying to provide the best in terms of service, the Center for Psychological Assessment and Services at Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya (PALP UINSA) openly invites a number of partner institutions that have collaborated to attend The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Health Promotion 2023 (ICOSHPRO).
During the activity, one of the partner representatives expressed his concern regarding the inequality of students’ intelligence. According to him, psychology is important, if students have different abilities then the psychological burden on them could be heavier. Therefore, the institution whose intelligence assessment is under the auspices of PALP needs direction. The discourse regarding the provision of socialization also needs to be discussed further between the two parties.
The hope is that the Counseling Guidance Service application will be distributed so that partner institutions can get assistance regarding regulations – in other words, support them in a problem. However, according to Lucky Abrorry, M.Psi as Director of PALP, this is in the realm of law so coordination will be carried out with relations from the UINSA Law Study Program.
Apart from that, partner institutions also hope that PALP can become a psychology consultant in madrasas. The reason is, the development of teenage children is a crucial issue. In his delivery, he mentioned the film “Taare Zameen Par” which tells the story of a child who is a slow learner but is talented in the arts. Even though they do not have academic talent, the partner representative believes that the students definitely have superior abilities in other fields.
Apart from that, partner institutions also want to hold workshop activities related to professional insight for students. Hearing that, PALP will be happy to make plans for face-to-face implementation in the near future. It is also hoped that the classification of interest tests using the “Rothwell Miller Interest Blank (RMIB)” assessment can be categorized into subjects, so that the recommendations are more in line with the program provided by the madrasah, and teachers can more easily map out the interests of their students.
At the end of the activity, PALP expressed its gratitude to the partner institutions who were present and contributed to efforts to improve this service. With close cooperation between the two parties, Dr. Suryani, S.Ag, S.Psi, M.Si as Deputy Dean I expressed his hope that the internship program for students of the Faculty of Psychology and Health could be implemented by involving the existing connections.
Writer: Ayda Zaqiyatunnisa