"Working Space for Skripsi: The Days to Catch Up 2020"

Gunung Anyar, Surabaya (04/10/2023) – Opening new opportunities for students, the Psychology Study Program (PRODI) of Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya (UINSA) maximizes time in preparing thesis research proposals. With the theme “The Days to Catch Up 2020”, this program aims to provide extra support to students to maximize their time on their academic journey.
The date for preparing the thesis proposal is from 02 October to 22 October. After that, students will have until November 3 to prepare a proposal seminar. These are the crucial moments that determine their academic journey.
This program offers three working spaces located at the UINSA Faculty of Psychology and Health, namely the reading/library room on the 3rd floor, the psychology services room on the 2nd floor, and the health laboratory room on the 4th floor. This working space will be available from 08.00 to 16.00 WIB every day and is intended for for psychology students in preparing their thesis.
The psychology study program explained “The importance of this initiative is because a thesis proposal is an important first step in academic research. We want to ensure that our students have the supportive environment and resources necessary to craft their proposals well.”
Apart from that, it is hoped that this working space can be a place for students to focus fully on their work without distractions, thereby helping them overcome the challenges they may face.
With existing facilities and support, it is hoped that students can achieve success in their first steps towards deeper research and a better understanding of psychological studies.
Writer: Muhamad Sangaji
Editor: Ayda Zaqiyatunnisa