Voicing an Islamic-Based Academic Environment, Parents & Guardians of FPK New Students Receive an Invitation to Gathering at the Amphitheater on the Gunung Anyar Campus

Gununganyar, Surabaya — (20/09/2023) Trying to build warm relationships, the Faculty of Psychology and Health (FPK) welcomed parents and guardians of new students (MABA) in a gathering event at the Gunung Anyar Campus Amphitheater. This activity is a forum for FPK leaders to voice the Islamic-based academic environment at Sunan Ampel State Islamic University, Surabaya (UINSA).
This event was attended by all UINSA leaders from Prof. Dr. H. Ali Mudhofir as Deputy Chancellor I to Dr. Phil. Khoirun Niam as Dean of FPK. Not only that, this activity was also attended by the Deputy Dean, Dr. Suryani, S.Ag, S.Psi, M.Si as Deputy Dean I, Dr. S. Khorriyatul Khotimah, M.Psi, Psychologist as Deputy Dean II, and Prof. Rubaidi as Deputy Dean III. Not to forget, the Head of the Psychology and Nutrition Study Program also took part.
With Al-Fatihah reading, this activity was opened by Esti Novi Andyarini at 09:30 WIB. Dr. Phil. Khoirun Niam then gave a speech in the form of a welcome and an invitation to collaborate together to create the nation’s next generation who are intelligent and have noble character. “I welcome you and welcome you to the Faculty of Psychology and Health,” said the man in the suit.
The presence of Vice Rector 1 received the attention of the invited guests. In his short speech he explained the characters that need to grow and develop in the soul of every UINSA student. Not long after that, Academic Tausiyah became the next agenda, Drs. Hamim Rosyidi, M.Si was appointed to explain how important it is to integrate Islam in everyday life. The event officially closed with the reading of a prayer.
Writer: M. Ata Zaidan Taufiqi
Editor: Ayda Zaqiyatunnisa