On Wednesday (6/9), students of the 3rd semester of Religious Studies Study Program were very enthusiastic to go to the laboratory room of the Faculty of Ushuluddin and Philosophy Building 1. They will take part in a writing seminar with the theme “Looking for Inspirations to Assemble Narratives”. The Student Competency Improvement (PKM) event invited writer and founder of neswa.id, Maria Fauzi, as a guest speaker.
In his speech, the secretary of SAA study program, Dr. Haqqul Yaqin, M.Ag. said “With this event, it is expected that all SAA students are motivated to write. SAA students can not only be a peace facilitator, but also a writer whose opportunities are very open in this digital era.”
“How do we attract today’s students to be interested in literacy?” The question was asked by Maria Fauzi considering that today’s students are mostly dependent on their cellphones. According to her, students today can utilize their social media to gather various information and turn it into writing.

Maria Fauzi said that writing is one way to transform knowledge and advance civilization. Inspiration can be found anywhere, she also said “When we look for inspiration, we must activate and focus the five senses,” Maria explained. Not only looking for inspiration, she also provided insights, especially about the character of the digital public who likes story telling.
Through storytelling, the writer seems to invite readers to tell a story. Digital audiences love stories that are personal and human interest. Therefore, a writing style that is relaxed, flowing, and not rigid tends to be preferred. This is different from the character of offline media readers who are distant from the writer.
She showed a number of her writings that have been published in various mass media. She said her motivation to write is driven by curiosity about new things. Writing is also a flexible job because it can be done anywhere, as well as being able to voice oneself and others who do not get justice.
At the end of the event, Maria Fauzi enthusiastically answered questions from the seminar participants. She also gave a reward to the questioner in the form of her latest book entitled “Muslimah Bukan Agen Moral”. The end of the seminar was closed with a group photo with the speakers. (Uswatun Khasanah – Student of Religious Studies Study Program)