Surabaya, August 4, 2023 – The Studium Generale event under the theme “Indonesian Literature: Intertwining Dreams and Prospects in the Future” was successfully held on August 4, 2023. The event which took place in the FISIP Hall at UINSA Gunung Anyar Campus, Dr. Ir. H. Soekarno Street No. 682 Surabaya, and was attended by students, lecturers, and related parties in the world of literature and culture.
The speakers presented at this event were Prof. Dr. Anas Ahmadi, S.Pd., M.Pd., a Lecturer of Indonesian Language and Literature from Surabaya State University, and Rizky Abrian, M.Hum. The event was also enlivened by the presence of the moderator, Novia Adibatus Shofah, M.Hum., who carefully directed the discussion with the speakers. The host, Athifah Zukhruf, nicely guided the series of events.
The event also began with remarks from the Head of the Indonesian Literature Study Program, Haris Shofiyuddin, M.Fill.I., who explained the importance of this event as an interactive forum to discuss prospects and opportunities in the field of Indonesian literature.
In the discussion, the speakers and event participants reviewed the presence of Indonesian Literature students who have distinctive characteristics and great potential. These students are dubbed as prospective Indonesian Literature students, who have a variety of unique characteristics such as autonomous, spontaneous, philosophical humor, and so on. The discussion also highlighted the role of personal branding in building self-identity and developing achievements. For example, a lecturer at UIN Sunan Ampel shared his experience as a BIPA teacher. “It’s a big journey, it won’t take place overnight. If you have set a goal, let’s organize it from now on,” said Rizki Abrian, reminding students that there is no instant to success.
The speakers also highlighted the various career prospects that can be pursued by students of the Indonesian Literature study program, including becoming writers, literary researchers, cultural translators, authors, journalists, literary guides, teachers, and lecturers. This diversity of career options shows that the Indonesian literature study program does not only pursue the development of linguistic skills, but also opens up wide opportunities in various fields related to literature and culture. “A reliable sailor is not forged in a calm sea, but he struggles in a bumpy sea,” said Prof. Anas Ahmadi.M.Pd.
The Studium General event succeeded in providing valuable insights for the participants regarding the role and prospects in the world of Indonesian literature. Hopefully, the information and views shared in this event can provide motivation and inspiration for Indonesian Literature students in achieving a bright future in the world of literature and culture.