
25 Juli 2023. Inoverselab FST UINSA selenggarakan kegiatan Internasional Workshop bertajuk “Helping Chemist to Get Trusted Answer by Innovation”. Acara dibuka dengan penandatanganan MoA oleh bapak Dekan FST UINSA Dr. A.Saepul Hamdani, M.Pd. dengan bapak Sales Manager PT Spektrakrom Indonesia Agus Haryono. Kegiatan Workshop diisi dengan Lab Tour yang membuat Peserta makin tertarik dengan Fasilitas Laboratorium yang dimiliki FST UINSA. Laboratory tour diawalai dengan pemaparan materi prototype instrument laboratorium canggih yang dikenalkan oleh Mr. Diego Minelli dari Milestone Italia dan Mr. Stefano Paggio, LabTech, Italia di Amphitheatre Gedung terpadu lantai 9 UINSA Gunung Anyar. Kegiatan International Workshop ini bertujuan untuk membantu meningkatkan produktivitas dan wawasan dosen, laboran, civitas akademika UINSA dan pihak eksternal yang datang sebagai undangan terkait pada pengembangan ranah akademik maupun penelitian.

Workshop membagi peserta dalam 3 kelompok Demo Group untuk mendapatkan penjelasan di tiap paralel room. Peserta berasal dari kalangan Akademisi Universitas/Institut dan Dunia Usaha Dunia Industri. Terdaftar sebagai peserta diantaranya: Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, University Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Airlangga University, Poltekkes Banjarmasin, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember(ITS), UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Yayasan YBPK Cabang Surabaya, Universitas Muhammadiyah Lamongan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya, Institut Sains dan Teknologi Annuqayah, Universitas Kh A Wahab Hasbullah, SMP Muhammadiyah 2 TAMAN, IKBIS Surabaya, Nation Star Academy, University of Brawijaya, Akademi Farmasi Surabaya, Universitas Abdurachman Saleh Situbondo, PT. Trianugerah Sejati, PT. JAPFA Comfeed Indonesia Sidoarjo, BBTKLPP Surabaya, PT PKP Petrokimia Gresik, Virama Karya, PT Trianugerah Sejati, PT Petrokimia Gresik, PT. Garam, PT Graha Mutu Persada, PPSLB3.

Demo grup dilaksanakan di tiga pos berbeda yakni post A yang dipandu oleh Mr. Stefano Paggio dengan instrument Microwave system, prototype diperagakan dan dipaparkan fungsi serta cara kerjanya sekaligus elemen apa yang digunakan pada prototype tersebut yang memicu berbagai pertanyaan interaktif audiens. Selanjutnya pada post B yakni Direct Mercury Analizer dipandu oleh Sales Representative PT Spektrakrom Indonesia, prototype Direct Mercury Analizer tersebut dapat mendeteksi dan menghitung kisaran merkuri yang ada pada tubuh seseorang dengan mengekstrak rambut atau kuku seseorang menjadi serbuk dengan Teknik pemanasan. Selanjutnya yang tak kalah menarik perhatian audien ialah pada post C dengan instrument Xelcius yang dipandu oleh Mr. Diego Minnelli dengan dua prototype yakni destilasi panas, dan pengeringan suhu dingin yang menjadi dayatarik tersendiri dari seluruh rangkaian sesi. Dekan FST UINSA Dr. A. Saepul Hamdani, M.Pd. mengapresiasi adanya kegiatan Workshop Internasional ini. Dengan adanya banyak Kegiatan Internasional dan Kerjasama yang kita selenggarakan, apalagi di dalamnya ada Expo Lab, akan membuka kesempatan kami FST untuk Income Generating Universitas. Kami berharap kegiatan semacam ini tidak pernah berhenti, harus dilanjutkan dengan berbagai macam Inovasi. Seperti tagline Lab FST UINSA: Inoverse Lab FST UINSA. Ber-Inovasi tiada henti.

25 July 2023. Inoverselalab FST UINSA held an International Workshop activity entitled “Helping Chemist to Get Trusted Answer by Innovation”. The event opened with the signing of the MoA by the Dean of FST UINSA Dr. A.Saepul Hamdani, M.Pd. with Mr. Sales Manager of PT Spektrakrom Indonesia Agus Haryono. The workshop activities were filled with a Lab Tour which made Participants more interested in the Laboratory Facilities owned by FST UINSA. The laboratory tour begins with a presentation of advanced laboratory instrument prototype materials introduced by Mr. Diego Minelli from Milestone Italia and Mr. Stefano Paggio, LabTech, Italy in the Amphitheater of the Integrated Building, 9th floor of UINSA Gunung Anyar. This International Workshop activity aims to help increase the productivity and insight of lecturers, laboratory assistants, the UINSA academic community and external parties who come as invitations related to the development of the academic and research fields.

The workshop divided the participants into 3 Demo Group groups to get an explanation in each parallel room. Participants come from academics from universities/institutes and the business world and the industrial world. Registered participants included: Trunojoyo Madura University, Nahdlatul Ulama University Surabaya, Surabaya State University, Airlangga University, Banjarmasin Health Polytechnic, Ten November Institute of Technology (ITS), UPN “Veteran” East Java, YBPK Foundation Surabaya Branch, Muhammadiyah Lamongan University, Muhammadiyah University Surabaya, Annuqayah Institute of Science and Technology, Kh A Wahab Hasbullah University, SMP Muhammadiyah 2 TAMAN, IKBIS Surabaya, Nation Star Academy, University of Brawijaya, Surabaya Pharmacy Academy, Abdurachman Saleh University Situbondo, PT. True Trighana, PT. JAPFA Comfeed Indonesia Sidoarjo, BBTKLPP Surabaya, PT PKP Petrokimia Gresik, Virama Karya, PT Triuntung Sejati, PT Petrokimia Gresik, PT. Salt, PT Graha Mutu Persada, PPSLB3.

Group demos were held at three different posts, namely post A which was guided by Mr. Stefano Paggio with the Microwave system instrument, the prototype was demonstrated and explained its function and how it works as well as what elements were used in the prototype which triggered various interactive questions from the audience. Furthermore, in post B, namely the Direct Mercury Analizer guided by the Sales Representative of PT Spektrakrom Indonesia, the Direct Mercury Analizer prototype can detect and calculate the range of mercury present in a person’s body by extracting a person’s hair or nails into powder with a heating technique. Furthermore, what attracted the audience’s attention was post C with the Xelcius instrument guided by Mr. Diego Minnelli with two prototypes namely hot distillation and cold drying which became the main attraction of the entire series of sessions.

Dean of FST UINSA Dr. A. Saepul Hamdani, M.Pd. appreciated the existence of this International Workshop. With the many international activities and collaborations that we are holding, especially in which there is an Expo Lab, this will open up our FST opportunities for University Income Generating. We hope that this kind of activity never stops, it must be continued with various kinds of innovations. Like the UINSA FST Lab tagline: Inoverse Lab FST UINSA. Constantly innovating.