UINSA Newsroom, Thursday (23/11/23); Sunan Ampel State Islamic University (UINSA) Surabaya welcomed a visit from Abu Darrin Islamic High School (MA) Bojonegoro. A total of 280 students filled the Amphiteather room on the 2nd floor of the Twin Tower Teugku Ismail Yakub Building on Thursday, November 23, 2023. These students were from the Natural Sciences (IPA), Social Sciences (IPS), Language, and Religious departments.
Before delving into the main activities, the students were greeted with information about UINSA’s profile by H. Ahmad Firdausi, S.IP., M.Fil.I., the Head of the Academic Section at UINSA. Regarding UINSA’s program for the admission of new students through achievement pathways, Firdausi attempted to tap into the intelligence and memorization skills of the students related to nadhoms in yellow books.

Continuing with this nadhom, a game sparked competition and laughter throughout the room, as every student could answer the guesses and receive prizes. This included a pathway for achievements for Quran memorizers. “So, those who have memorized 15 chapters, 20 chapters, and those who have completed 30 chapters, you can enter UINSA without a reckoning,” he expressed.
In the opening activities, the students were also invited to listen to motivation provided by Mohammad Thohir, S.Pd., M.Pd.I., a lecturer in the Islamic Counseling Study Program. Through his material on “Keys to Success in Achieving a Career,” this lecturer, who is also a motivator, explained that dreams can be achieved with the 3D3C key.

“Manage your life, move—physically, legs, hands, let your thoughts move towards your dream,” he stated. According to him, everyone has dreams, but not everyone can do what they want. He explained that 3D3C consists of discovery, dream, design, competence, character, and creativity. The students were also encouraged to think and determine what they want to achieve within a specific timeframe. The activity continued with a question-and-answer session regarding UINSA’s admissions and advantages.
The head of Abu Darrin Islamic High School Bojonegoro also wished for an increasing number of alumni from Abu Darrin who are accepted at UINSA Surabaya each year. “The knowledge gained from Abu Darrin can be continued, making students knowledgeable and virtuous for religion, the nation, and the people,” said Hj. Maria Ulfa, S.Pd., M.E.

Not forgetting, Prof. Dr. Abdul Muhid, M.Si., Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Cooperation at UINSA, gave a motivational speech to the students of Abu Darrin Islamic High School Bojonegoro. Prof. Muhid explained that choosing UINSA as a place for further study is very appropriate. He also explained that everyone has an equal opportunity to achieve their dreams and aspirations.
“Village life does not hinder achieving dreams. Similarly, madrasah (Islamic school) does not become a barrier to success in academics. Many MA graduates can hold any position in Indonesia,” he expressed. The activity concluded with a group photo and the exchange of souvenirs between UINSA and Abu Darrin Islamic High School Bojonegoro. (Syf/Magang23)

Reporting: Syifa’
Photo: Public Relations Team
Editor: Nur Hayati