March 19, 2025 02:18



Postgraduate of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya is organizing the 2nd International Postgraduate Conference for Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies on September 11-12, 2024.

This International Postgraduate Conference offers an excellent platform for academics and researchers to present their research findings, collaborate with peers, and receive constructive feedback from experts in the field. With the theme "In search for models of digital Islamic studies in the Muslim world," this event not only facilitates the


Mahasiswa HPI Presentasi Makalah IPCIS Pasca Sarjana UINSA

Selasa, 17 Oktober 2023 dua orang mahasiswa FSH UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya kembali menorehkan prestasi yang membanggakan. Muhammad Ilham Akbar dan Ahlam Nugraha mahasiswa Prodi HPI mempresentasikan karya tulisnya di acara IPCIS Pasca Sarjana UINSA. Dalam karyanya, kedua mahasiswa semester 7

by Fakultas Syariah & Hukum
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