Striving to Improve Quality, Three Integrated Twin Towers Implementation Standards Become the Focus of AMI 2023

Gunung Anyar, Surabaya (02/10/2023) – Held in the UPPS meeting room on the 1st floor, the Faculty of Psychology and Health (FPK) carried out an Internal Quality Audit (AMI) on Monday, 2 October 2023, at 09.30 am.
This activity was attended by Auditor Faris Muslihul Amin, M.Kom in the Psychology Study Program, Auditor Dr. Abid Rohman, M.Fill in the Nutrition Study Program. Not only that, the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Health, Deputy Dean 1 for academic and institutional affairs, Deputy Dean 2 for General Administration, Planning and Personnel, FPK Quality Control Group, as well as Head of Study Programs (Kaprodi) and Secretary of Psychology and Study Programs Gizi also attended as a participant.
AMI’s focus in 2023 is on three Integrated Twin Towers implementation standards: Integrated Twin Towers Implementation Standards in Learning, Integrated Twin Towers Implementation Standards in Research, and Integrated Twin Towers Implementation Standards in Community Service.
During the event, the auditor conducted an audit of the three standards based on data that had been prepared by the relevant study program. The aim of AMI itself is to evaluate and ensure that existing processes and practices at the Faculty of Psychology and Health comply with established standards.
Meanwhile, AMI is an important step in ensuring the quality of education, research and community service in educational institutions. The results of the audit can help identify problems and improvements needed to improve the quality of the programs organized by FPK.
Writer: Najwa Laska Halqi
Editor: Ayda Zaqiyatunnisa