Echoes of the Prophet's prayers float beautifully in the FPK Auditorium

Gunung Anyar, Surabaya – (13/10/2023) Echoes of prayers echoed in the celebration of the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW which was held at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Psychology and Health, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.
At the event which started at 08.00 WIB until finished, the participants who attended were members of the Dharma Wanita Association of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. The event opened with a warm welcome by the Chair of the Dharma Wanita Association of Psychology and Counseling Faculties (DWP FPK), who expressed the meaning of celebrating the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
“Why is there a birthday? Even people who previously had no traditions celebrated birthdays. “Because this is a form of our love for Rasulullah SAW,” said the Chairman of the DWP FPK in his speech.
Next, the event continued with tausiyah delivered by the main resource person, Dr. KH. Jainudin, M.Sc. In his tausiyah, the FPK lecturer underlined the importance of having physical and spiritual health, as well as loving the Prophet as a step towards excellence. “A person who is physically and spiritually healthy and loves the Prophet is an extraordinary person.” he said.
At this event, participants emphasized the importance of prayer in making hearts warmer and more loving. The speaker also delivered a heart-moving message, “How extraordinary Allah and His Messenger are in loving their people by always giving them multiple rewards for every good thing they do.”
In an atmosphere full of warmth and togetherness, event participants absorbed the moral and spiritual messages conveyed. This event succeeded in creating a deep and meaningful atmosphere, providing an opportunity for all participants to reflect and improve themselves in celebration of the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
The hope of this event is to improve one’s self-quality and love for Rasulullah SAW. The “Gema Sholawat Nabi Mengalun Indah” event ended with gratitude and closed with the distribution of door prizes which added a deep impression to the event that took place.
Writer: Muhamad Sangaji H
Editor: Ayda Zaqiyatunnisa