
The Postgraduate Program at Sunan Ampel State Islamic University (UIN) Surabaya has successfully held orientation activities for new students. This activity aims to prepare new students to navigate their academic journey at the postgraduate level.

The Postgraduate Program’s PBAK at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya is an annual agenda that is eagerly awaited by new students. Apart from providing practical information regarding academic administration and campus procedures, PBAK also introduces various resources and services that will support student study success.

The event lasted for two days, starting from September 21 to 22, 2023, with a series of varied and informative activities. PBAK participants were given the opportunity to interact directly with lecturers and academic staff, thereby creating an inclusive environment full of academic enthusiasm.

PBAK sessions included information about the curriculum, library services, and orientation regarding campus facilities. Apart from that, students were also given guidance on academic ethics, rules, and other important rules.

Prof. Masdar Hilmy, S.Ag., MA, Ph.D, the Director of Postgraduate Studies at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, welcomed the presence of the new students and encouraged them to start their academic journey with high determination and enthusiasm.

With the success of the Postgraduate Program’s PBAK at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, it is hoped that new students will be able to start their study journey with confidence and be ready to face the academic challenges that exist in the future. Hopefully, they can become intellectuals who contribute positively to the progress of science and society.

Author: Mf
