
Nutrition Study Program Conducts Form Evaluation and Self-assessment for Accreditation Improvement

Gunung Anyar, Surabaya – (13/11/2023)

Continuing to strive to improve accreditation, the nutrition study program carried out form evaluation and self-assessment activities located in the auditorium 2nd Floor of the Faculty of Psychology and Health.

The activity was opened by the Vice President for Academic and Institutional Affairs, Dr. Suryani, M.Si. Dean of FPK, Dr. Phil Khoirun Niam, Wadek FPK, and the entire team from the accreditation of the nutrition study program participated in attending the activity.

Study Program Performance Document Review (DKPS) activities are carried out with the Quality Assurance Institute (LPM) of Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya. The evaluation event was attended by Dr. Ali Mustofa, M.Ag as Chairman of LPM and Ahmad Yusuf, M.Kom as Secretary of LPM. The activity began by filling out the DKPS assessment on the assessment form by the LPM secretary and LPM Chairman.

There are several things that are of note related to the data of Permanent Lecturers of the Study Program (DTPS), Curriculum, Research and Community Service Data, Finance, Facilities and Infrastructure, and Student Affairs. This LED Review (Self-Evaluation Report) activity also discusses the LED filling of the Study Program which consists of 9 criteria.

The next agenda is a revision by the accreditation team of the nutrition study program and will be reviewed again by LPM in the following week. It is hoped that in the future the nutrition study program will soon get better accreditation.

Writer : Najwa Laska Halqi

Editor : Ayda Zaqiyatunnisa