Friday, 28-7-2023, even semester 2022-2023 has ended, odd semester 2023-2024 in sight. This reality is the basis for the Falak Science Study Program, Faculty of Sharia and Law Sunan Ampel Surabaya state islamic university to conduct an evaluation meeting and work program preparation on Friday, July 28, 2023 at 09:00 – 11:00 WIB. The meeting which was held online was attended by all lecturers who were based in the Falak Science Study Program. There are two agendas in the meeting activities, namely the Even Semester 2022-2023 report and the preparation of the target or work program for the odd Semester 2023-2024.
The report of Even Semester 2022-2023 in the meeting was delivered by Siti Tatmainul Qulub, M.S.I, Head of Falak Science Study Program, Faculty of Sharia and Law Sunan Ampel Surabaya state islamic university. Siti Tatmainul Qulub in her report said that, as a result of the initial lecturer meeting of the Even Semester 2022-2023, it was agreed that there were three things that became the targets of the even semester 2022-2023. The first target is related to the on-time graduation rate of the Class of 2019 students, which is 53%. The second target is related to collaboration in research, and the third target is related to service and cooperation.
In line with these targets, the head of the falak science study program submitted his report. It was stated that the first target regarding the on-time graduation of Class 2019 students was achieved. It even exceeded the predetermined target of 59.2%. The second target was also achieved with the publication of one collaborative article by a lecturer in the falak science study program in a sinta 2 accredited journal. The third target is related to community service. Achieved by the participation of students and lecturers of the Falak science study program in the rukyatul hilal of the beginning of the month of Dhulhijjah 1444 H held by the Surabaya city ministry of religion.
Report Discussion
The discussion of the report was followed by the preparation of work programs or priority targets for the Falak science study program in the 2023-2024 odd semester. This agenda was guided by Agus Solikin, M.S.I, the secretary of the Falak science department. The agenda in this session produced several targets agreed upon by all participants who attended the meeting. First, the percentage of successful study of students in 2017 who have not met the standards set by applicable regulations, the study program is given a target until October 2023 to be fulfilled. Second, related to the on-time graduation of students in 2020 is targeted to reach 60%. Third, research collaboration between lecturers and students was achieved this semester. Fourth, community service and increased cooperation are further enhanced.