FPK Nutrition Study Program Carries Out Competency Strengthening Activities by Inviting Resource Persons from AIPGI

Sidoarjo, (07/11/2023) – The Nutrition Study Program has taken definite steps to strengthen competence. This activity starts at 09.00 WIB. with the aim of strengthening the competence of Nutrition Lecturers at the Faculty of Psychology and Health (FPK) for those located at GreenSA Inn, Sidoarjo.
Dr. Phil Khoirun Niam as Dean of FPK also participated in this activity, together with Dr. Suryani, S.Ag, S.Psi, M.Si as Deputy Dean 1, and the UPPS team as well as lecturers in the nutrition study program. FPK Lecturers’ hopes are soaring for strengthening the Nutrition study program this time. “Hopefully this Competency Strengthening activity will make the Nutrition Study Program better in the future,” he said.
External Quality Assurance material for the Undergraduate Nutrition Study Program was the first topic presented by resource persons from the Association of Indonesian Higher Education Institutions on Nutrition (AIPGI) and the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB). In straightforward language, he conveyed several important materials to support competency strengthening.
Eleven Dimensions of Study Program Quality were also important material presented by the resource persons. This includes several important points, namely; relevance, academic atmosphere, leadership, suitability, and so on. This certainly got the attention of the Nutrition Study Program lecturers.
Dressed in purple batik motifs, the resource person provided some feedback regarding efforts to strengthen this competency in order to get satisfactory results.
Writer: Najwa Laska Halqi & M. Ata Zaidan Taufiqi
Editor: Ayda Zaqiyatunnisa