

Gunung Anyar, Surabaya (09/11/2023) – The establishment of professional education is one of the hopes of the Faculty of Psychology and Health, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University (FPK UINSA). This form of effort was realized by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Cooperation Agreement (PKs) with the Indonesian Psychological Association (HIMPSI).

Opened by the MC, the event started at 09:00 WIB and present at the event, Prof Akh. Muzakki, M.Ag, Grad.Dip.SEA, M.Phil, Ph.D as Chancellor of UINSA together with Dr. Phil Khoirun Niam as Dean of FPK and Dr. Andik Matulessy, M.Si, Psychologist as Chair of HIMPSI and the FPK lecturers.

Dr. Andik Matulessy as chairman of HIMPSI explained that regarding the standards for establishing professional psychology education including Human Resources (HR), curriculum, availability of laboratories and equipment, as well as cooperation in various fields, this cooperation must take the form of an MoU and if necessary PKs. In his explanation, he hoped that the signing of the MoU and PKs with UINSA could provide something useful for the journey of psychology in Indonesia. “My hope is that UINSA can become a university that also brings color to psychology education in Indonesia,” he said.

In his speech, the Chancellor of UINSA explained the urgency and excellent opportunities with the opening of this professional psychology program. With the opening of this program, it is hoped that more prospective psychologists will come from UINSA. Not only that, the resource person also added that licensing in the professional field is sacred. “Whatever your intelligence, don’t say you are a professional before you have a license or are a professional because the certification process has value,” he said.

The event continued with the signing of the MoU and PKs by UINSA and HIMPSI and in the final session there was a group photo and continued giving of souvenirs from HIMPSI to UINSA and vice versa. The journey to establishing the psychology profession certainly requires hard work and collaboration between various parties, with effort and trust, hopefully the establishment of the UINSA psychology profession can add color to psychology for Indonesia.

Writer: M. Ata Zaidan Taufiqi
Editor: Ayda Zaqiyatunnisa