As part of its ongoing academic exchange and research initiatives, the English Language Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Sunan Ampel (UINSA) Surabaya, organized the 32nd series of its Research Discussion Forum on Tuesday, December 10, 2024. The event was held in partnership with Pangasinan State University (PSU), Philippines, featured Jessie S. Paragas, Ed.D., Chairperson of the Bachelor of Arts in English Language (ABEL) Program at PSU, as the keynote speaker. It is also a following up action from the coordination meeting between both parties carried out last month.

Opened by Ibu Fitriah, Ph.D., who serves as the master of ceremonies and moderated by Bapak Sigit Pramono Jati, M.Pd and , the forum began with opening remarks from Prof. Muhammad Thohir, M.Pd, Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training. Ms. Del Castillo, the Vice President of International Office PSU Philippines, gave the speech afterwards. Both Prof. Thohir and Ms. Castillo address positive things about the implementation of International partnership. Ms. Castillo also mentioned that the partnership symbolizes dedication to education, cultural understanding and sustainable development. Both sides have the expectation that the Research Discussion Forum, which is carried out in a cooperative manner this month, would have a beneficial impact on the audience who comprised lecturers, students, and academic staff from UINSA, PSU, and other partner universities, creating a rich and diverse scholarly environment.

Dr. Jessie presented an insightful lecture titled Utilization of Gender-Fair Language in Education, emphasizing the critical intersections between gender, language, and education. His discussion explored how academic institutions can integrate gender-fair language into curricula, research, and institutional policies.

Drawing from academic frameworks and practical experiences, Dr. Paragas highlighted the significance of gender studies in challenging stereotypes and fostering inclusivity. He elaborated on PSU’s efforts to align its programs with the Philippines’ Gender and Development (GAD) Law, which promotes gender sensitivity and equality in educational institutions. A standout feature of his presentation was PSU’s initiative to incorporate gender-fair language into academic programs like the ABEL curriculum. Dr. Jessie also discussed PSU’s training programs for professionals, including police officers, to enhance their use of gender-sensitive language in their interactions.
Dr. Jessie acknowledged that while gender studies have made significant strides in addressing inequalities, challenges persist, especially in balancing progressive advocacy with cultural and religious norms. He emphasized the importance of continued education, dialogue, and collaboration in overcoming resistance and advancing gender-sensitive practices.

The forum included a lively question-and-answer session, where attendees raised pertinent issues related to the evolving landscape of gender studies. One question focused on the declining interest in gender studies among some scholars, particularly due to its association with LGBTQIA+ topics, which are often controversial in culturally sensitive environments. Another question addresses also the feasibility of universally adopting gender-fair pronouns.

The 32nd Research Discussion Forum not only strengthened academic ties between UINSA and PSU but also inspired attendees to explore innovative approaches in education and research. By addressing pressing issues like gender equality for gender studies, the event exemplified the power of scholarly dialogue in fostering inclusive and equitable educational practices.