BAPENDA East Java together with PALP UINSA Holds Competency Assessment of Candidates for Echelon III and IV Officials

Gunung Anyar, Surabaya – (11/12/2023) Fiery enthusiasm radiated from the participants in the Position Competency Assessment for Candidates for Echelon III and IV Officials this morning. Together with the Center for Psychological Assessment and Services at Sunan Ampel State Islamic University (PALP UINSA), the East Java Regional Revenue Agency (BAPENDA) carried out a Competency Assessment for Positions of Echelon III and IV Candidates at the Faculty of Psychology and Health (FPK) Building, Gunung Anyar Campus, UINSA.
The opening of the Competency Assessment for Echelon III and IV Official Candidates took place in the Auditorium on the 2nd floor of the FPK Building, UINSA’s Gunung Anyar Campus. Attended by Dr. Phil. Khoirun Niam as Dean of FPK, and Drs. Hartanto Setiabowo S, M.M. as Secretary of BAPENDA East Java, as well as participants in the Competency Assessment for Candidates for Echelon III and IV Officials.
Dr. Phil. Khoirun Niam as Dean of FPK welcomed the participants by saying, “Welcome to the Gunung Anyar campus, UINSA.” and expressed his gratitude for the collaboration that existed. Hope was also conveyed to the Job Competency Assessment participants who were present. “I hope that this Job Competency Assessment process can provide a concrete and real picture of the competencies possessed by the participants and can be useful as material for job promotions carried out by BAPENDA East Java. I congratulate the participants on carrying out the Job Competency Assessment, good luck! “
Secretary of BAPENDA East Java, Drs. Hartanto Setiabowo S, M.M., in his delivery, emphasized the importance of the Job Competency Assessment as a means of increasing the professionalism of Human Resources (HR) for prospective echelon III and IV officials. It is hoped that the assessment process can support the selection of qualified and competent official candidates.
This event is a concrete step in developing human resources within BAPENDA East Java, creating leaders who have competence in accordance with the demands of echelon III and IV positions. We hope that the results of this assessment will make a positive contribution to improving performance and public services in the East Java region.
Writer: M. Ata Zaidan Taufiqi
Editor: Najwa Laska Halqi, Ayda Zaqiyatunnisa