Job Competency Assessment by BAPENDA together with PALP UINSA, Dean of FPK: Congratulations, good luck!

Gunung Anyar, Surabaya (11/12/2023) – Hopes soared high among the participants in the Job Competency Assessment held by the East Java Regional Revenue Agency (BAPENDA) together with the Center for Assessment and Psychological Services at Sunan Ampel State Islamic University (PALP UINSA). The Job Assessment activity which was held at the Faculty of Psychology and Health (FPK) Building, Gunung Anyar Campus, UINSA, received the attention of several parties, one of which was Dr. Phil. Khoirun Niam, as Dean of FPK.
In his speech at the opening of the Job Competency Assessment activity, the Dean of FPK welcomed the arrival of the Job Competency Assessment participants warmly. The presence of participants from various districts/cities in East Java province is also one of the branding efforts carried out by UINSA, especially FPK which is located at the Gunung Anyar Campus. “Of course, the presence of assessment participants from various districts/cities of East Java Province can be used as a step to promote UINSA and become the basis that UINSA is a campus worthy of consideration by various universities out there,” he said.
The assessment carried out on Job Competency is a real effort by BAPENDA East Java to select competent prospective participants to be able to fill a certain position within the scope of BAPENDA. The FPK Dean also hopes that holding this Job Competency Assessment can become useful material for job promotions carried out by BAPENDA East Java. “I hope that this Job Competency Assessment process can provide a concrete and real picture of the competencies possessed by the participants and can be useful as material for job promotions carried out by BAPENDA East Java. I congratulate the participants on carrying out the Job Competency Assessment, good luck! ” he continued.
We hope that the collaboration between BAPENDA East Java and PALP UINSA can continue to develop, making a positive contribution to the development of human resources, as well as creating a more professional work environment.
Writer: M. Ata Zaidan Taufiqi