Supporting Psychological Well-being of Middle School Students in Surabaya, FPK UINSA and Surabaya Education Office Sign MoU

Surabaya, (17/10/2023) – A meeting was held at the Bapekko Building in Surabaya between Syafruddin Faisal Thohar, M.Psi., Psychologist as Secretary of the UINSA Psychology Study Program and M. Fahmi Aufar Asyraf, B.Ed., M.A as the Team representative MBKM Task Force for Psychology and Health Study Program (FPK) with the Regional Education Office. The meeting aimed to discuss cooperation in handling psychological problems of junior high school students in Surabaya.
In this meeting, the Surabaya Regional Education Office together with the UINSA Faculty of Psychology and Health will sign an MoU for the Peaceful and Safe Climate (IDAMAN) school program. This program will be divided into several clusters and collaborate with seven schools in Surabaya.
The “IDAMAN” program has several objectives, namely; improve student welfare through curative, preventive, rehabilitative and promotive actions related to psychological problems. Not only will it cover the curriculum, this program will also involve MBKM internship activities as well as a final reference report in lieu of a thesis.
Ninuk, who is responsible for developing junior high school students in Surabaya, emphasized that this program is systemic and will create a peaceful and safe climate in schools. In the work plan, priorities and timelines will be set for around 5 years to achieve a standard concept for handling junior high school youth problems.
The Surabaya Regional Secretary also stated the importance of collaborating with universities in overcoming psychological problems among junior high school students, especially in dealing with news circulating on social media regarding these issues. It is hoped that this collaboration can provide concrete and beneficial solutions for the welfare of junior high school students in Surabaya.
Writer: Muhamad Sangaji Hidayatulloh
Editor: Ayda Zaqiyatunnisa