FPK Speeds Up Internship Preparations and MBKM Curriculum for 6th Semester

Gunung Anyar, Surabaya (02/10/2023) — Not wanting to waste time, the Faculty of Psychology and Health, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya (FPK UINSA) held an internship preparation activity for Students with Outstanding Student Affairs (MBKM) for the 6th semester of the Psychology Study Program. This activity aims to explain the process and flow of MBKM in semester 6.
The event, which was held on October 2 2023, lasted for approximately 3 hours in the Auditorium on the 2nd floor of the FPK Building, attended by all 5th semester students of the Psychology Study Program (Prodi).
Dr. Suryani, S.Ag, M.Ag, M.Si opened the event by explaining the flow of MBKM semester 6 activities along with the requirements that must be met when undergoing an internship. The Deputy Dean I of FPK gave advice to students, “You have to choose an internship place according to the competencies you have, don’t join in with your friends.”
Furthermore, the Head of the Psychology Study Program, Dr. Lufiana Harnany Utami, S.Pd., M.Si, gave an explanation of the curriculum which is the basis for this MBKM program. He explained the importance of choosing an internship location that suits the student’s area of competence.
M. Fahmi Aufar Asyraf, B.Ed., M.A. explained the various partners who have collaborated with FPK as partners to carry out internships. The FPK public relations officer said, “Until now we have collaborated with various agencies and partners, including 21 madrasas, Menur and Lawang Mental Hospitals (RSJ), PHC Hospital, UPT SE East Java, and several companies.”
This internship preparation activity provides valuable insight to students in understanding the MBKM process and the importance of choosing an internship location that suits their interests and competencies. It is hoped that students can take maximum benefit from their MBKM internship experience in the future.
Writer: Muhamad Sangaji Hidayatulloh
Editor: Ayda Zaqiyatunnisa