Re: The 18th International Student Conference on Advanced Science and Technology (ICAST 2023)

Greetings from Kumamoto University, Japan
We are pleased to inform you that the 18th ICAST will be held at Universitas Hasanuddin in Indonesia on September 18-20, 2023. ICAST is an international conference organized by students for students, where students will present research in English as well as get involved in planning and execution of the conference. We are grateful to Universitas Hasanuddin for their kind and generous offer to co-host ICAST this year.
We started ICAST in Kumamoto in 2008 to provide students opportunities for international experiences, to foster their management and leadership skills and to promote cooperation among our partner universities. Since then ICAST has been hosted by our partner universities and taken place in Peking University, Ewha Womans University, Ege University, Shandong University, University of Seoul, University of Clermont Auvergne, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology and De La Salle University. We appreciate very much your kind and dedicated cooperation for this joint activity.

Although ICAST in the past 3 years was held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are excited to meet each other again on site. Please extend our invitation to your students for ICAST 2023. We hope this conference will offer a platform for students to get together and present their work and exchange ideas, through which we will further develop our cooperation in education and research among our partner universities.
For more information about ICAST 2023, please check our website.
Thank you very much for your continuous support for cooperation between our universities.
We look forward to receiving applicants from your university.
Dean, Graduate School of Science and Technology,
Kumamoto University, Japan