Students of Religious Studies Study Program, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Philosophy Semester 4 and 6 visited the relocation of victims of the Sunni-Syiah conflict in Sampang Madura at Rusunawa Puspa Agro Sidoarjo. This visit aims to see firsthand the impact of the conflict that occurred, as well as in the context of Improving Student Competence (PKM) in the Religious Conflict Management course.
In this session, students were met directly by Ustadz Tajul Muluk as the leader of the relocated conflict victims. He said that he had lived in Rusunawa Puspa Agro Sidoarjo for 11 years where there were already several families who returned to Sampang. However, there are still many who still live in this flat because they do not have the money to rebuild the house that was damaged by the conflict at that time.

Ustadz Tajul said that this conflict did not occur because of differences in sect or understanding, but because of social jealousy that occurred from some parties. However, this conflict brought him to get a new experience of being directly involved in the Syi’a sect in Indonesia. At this time Ustadz Tajul and his congregation chose to return to Sunni after he found some of the teachings of Syi’ah that were deemed not in accordance with Islamic teachings. Now the victims of the conflict almost found a bright spot in getting their rights back after performing the ceremonial allegiance conducted in Sampang.
Related to the conflict that occurred in Sampang Madura, it is continuous with the theory of conflict according to George Simmel. Simmel says that conflict occurs naturally due to social interactions that cause hatred, social jealousy, and desires that are achieved or because of lust. The Sampang conflict at that time did occur due to social jealousy by some parties against influential religious figures in the area. Provocations carried out by several parties caused anger which naturally led to conflict. (Ismi Malika Mufti – Student of Religious Studies Program)