More than 100 students attended the Gus Dur Thought Class (KPG) 2023 Goes to Campus Volume 1. The event was held in the Hall of the Faculty of Ushuluddin and Philosophy of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya (UINSA) which took place since 09.00 WIB. This event was initiated by GUSDURian Surabaya which involved several elements of student organizations in Surabaya.
Some of the elements that collaborate to make this event a success are the Student Association of Religious Studies Study Program (HMP SAA) UINSA, Roemah Bhinneka Surabaya, Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM) UINSA, Catholic Youth Commissariat Branch (PK Komcab) Surabaya, Catholic Student Association of the Republic of Indonesia (PMKRI) Surabaya and the Commissariat Leadership of NU Student Association and NU Student Association (PKPT IPNU-IPPNU) UINSA.
“In the second volume, God willing, Buddhist friends and others will also enliven this collaboration,” said Siti Sumriyah, Coordinator of GUSDURian Surabaya. Sumriyah explained that this year GUSDURian Surabaya prioritizes collaboration with various elements of the younger generation, especially students in an effort to campaign for peace in diversity. She then explained that KPG 2023 will be held four times on several campuses in Surabaya.

Sumriyah also explained that “Goes to Campus” is a new concept. This concept itself departs from the unrest of its members. One of them was the unrest after they read the SETARA Institute for Democracy and Peace report published this year. The report revealed that since 2015, it turns out that the condition of tolerance in Indonesia is still stagnant and has not reached a significant value. He then explained that by cooperating with and giving more roles to the younger generation in the peace campaign is one of the efforts chosen to build mutual awareness of this tolerance issue.
“All this time, we feel that the condition of our diversity is fine and ignore issues of tolerance. But the findings on the ground are different, so we as the younger generation must move,” Sumriyah added. She went on to explain that the absence of conflict does not mean that preventive action is not important. Instead, peace campaigns of this kind must continue.
Agreeing with this, Alif Muttaqin as Chairman of HMP SAA said that this kind of event is important to build mutual awareness. The fourth semester SAA student also emphasized the importance of collaboration between elements like this. For him, by collaborating, this event does not just talk about the importance of togetherness. But it also exemplifies directly that differences are not an obstacle to moving together. Alif also hopes that more collaborative actions will be present in the future.

Dedik Setiawan as a member of Roemah Bhinneka Surabaya also believes that further actions after collaboration must continue to be built. Especially in communication and continuing to revive the culture of discourse so that there is an exchange of ideas between different elements of students. “The important thing is the follow-up, what can we do after this,” he added.
The event itself was in the form of a talk show by presenting three speakers to discuss Gus Dur’s intellectual biography. The speakers were Ali Mursyid Azisi who is a member of the Association of Islamic Nusantara Writers-Researchers throughout Indonesia. There is also A. Hakim Jayli, Founder and CEO of TV9 Nusantara. The last speaker was Haidar Adam, Lecturer at Constitutional Law Airlangga University. (Reporter : Muhammad Habib Muzaki – Student of Religious Studies at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya)