
The Mathematics Education Student Association (HIMAPTIKA) of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya has once again organized its annual community service program, this year held in Segoro Tambak Village, Sedati District, Sidoarjo Regency. The program, which took place from August 5 to 9, 2024, carried the theme “From the Village We Build the Nation, Through Education We Synergize.”

The community service initiative aimed to provide tangible contributions to the local community through various educational and social activities. Segoro Tambak Village was chosen as the location for this year’s program due to its status as the farthest village in the Sedati District with a relatively smaller population compared to surrounding villages, indicating a greater need for attention and support.

Throughout the five-day event, students and lecturers from the Mathematics Education Study Program collaborated in a series of activities. Among them, students taught at SDN Segoro Tambak, MI Darul Ulum, and the Al-Qur’an Education Center (TPA). Additionally, they conducted macrame crafting workshops for local women’s groups (PKK), organized dance performances for children, participated in social service activities, and carried out environmental cleaning efforts within the village.

On August 8, lecturers actively participated by teaching at SDN Segoro Tambak, introducing the “Merdeka Curriculum,” a new educational framework designed to provide schools and teachers with greater flexibility in determining teaching methods that cater to students’ specific needs.

Nadiyah Lailatul Hidayah, the Chief Organizer of the Community Service Program, explained that this initiative is part of the implementation of the Three Pillars of Higher Education (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi), particularly in serving the community. “Pengabdian masyarakat ini telah dilaksanakan dua tahun berturut-turut. Tantangan tentu ada, mulai dari persiapan hingga pelaksanaan, namun kami selalu berusaha mencari solusi terbaik,” she stated. (“This community service has been conducted for two consecutive years. Challenges certainly existed, from preparation to execution, but we always strived to find the best solutions.”)

Nadia also noted the highly positive response from the residents of Segoro Tambak Village toward the activities. “Mereka terlihat senang, terutama saat pelatihan pembuatan makrame. Ibu-ibu PKK sangat antusias dan senang dengan kegiatan ini,” she added. (“They appeared joyful, especially during the macrame crafting workshops. The PKK women were very enthusiastic and delighted with the program.”)

Aulia Miftakhul Rohmah, the Chairperson of HIMAPTIKA UINSA, emphasized that the community service program not only aims to assist the community but also serves as a training ground for students before they participate in the Community Service Program (KKN). “Ini adalah kesempatan bagi mahasiswa untuk mengembangkan keterampilan seperti public speaking dan problem-solving, yang sangat penting saat berinteraksi dengan masyarakat,” she explained. (“This is an opportunity for students to develop essential skills such as public speaking and problem-solving, which are crucial when interacting with the community.”)

One of the program participants, Charissa Wira Kusuma, expressed that her involvement was driven by a desire to benefit others. “Pengalaman ini memberikan banyak pelajaran, terutama tentang pentingnya ketulusan dan kerja sama. Saya sangat tertarik untuk mengikuti program serupa di masa depan,” Charissa remarked. (“This experience has taught me many lessons, especially about the importance of sincerity and teamwork. I am very interested in participating in similar programs in the future.”)

With the conclusion of the 2024 HIMAPTIKA UINSA community service program, it is hoped that the residents of Segoro Tambak Village can continue to develop the skills that have been taught, while the participating students can apply these experiences in their future endeavors. This program has not only strengthened the bond between students and the community but also served as a concrete step in building the nation through education.carried the theme “Dari Desa Kita Bangun Negeri, Lewat Pendidikan Kita Bersinergi” (“From the Village We Build the Nation, Through Education We Synergize”).