FPK Speeds Up Preparations for ICOSHPRO 2023

Gunung Anyar – (03/08/2023) –
The Faculty of Psychology and Health at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya held a meeting to prepare for the International Conference on Sustainable Health Promotion (ICHOSPRO). This meeting was chaired by Dr. Suryani, S.Ag, S.Psi, M.Si as deputy dean I of FPK; Nova Lusiana, M.Keb as head of the FPK department; Esti Novi Andyarini, M.Kes as secretary of the department and chairman of the committee, and was attended by officials and all other committee members from the lecturer element.
This biennial international conference will be held at GreenSa Inn Sidoarjo on 30-31 August 2023. It is planned that the first day will be attended by 3 resource persons with moderator Syafruddin Faisal Thohar, M.Psi, Psychologist. The second day will be filled with Call For Paper presentations from participants.
This event will also involve students in it. FPK students will show off by performing Indonesian dances at the opening of the first day. Apart from that, the Master of Ceremony (MC) is also from the FPK student side.
Different from the First and Second Editions, this third edition of ICOSHPRO will invite various partners from outside such as 13 MTsN and MAN in East Java to representatives of MAN-IC and MAN-PK throughout Indonesia. Apart from that, this agenda will also feature representatives from the East Java Provincial Health Service and the City of Surabaya. This two-day event will be held offline and online.
Not only that, in the preparatory meeting, each job desk was also discussed, starting from the opening design to distributing pamphlets. With this preparatory meeting, it is hoped that it can strengthen synergy between committees and finalize plans so that the ichospro event can be carried out well. (MSH)