Entering the end of the period, FPK Teaching Students held a closing ceremony

ambak Sumur, Sidoarjo — (18/11/2023) FPK Mengajar is one of the volunteer activities from the Faculty of Psychology and Health which aims to share knowledge with children and participants from the teachers, of course the FPK students themselves. However, it doesn’t feel like one semester has passed, now is the time for the FPK Mengajar team to close the activities that have been held for a full semester.
The name of this activity is “One Day with FPK Mengajar” which was held at the Al-Ikhlas mosque, Tambak Sumur, Sidoarjo. Closing activities started from 15.30 to half past 17.30, and this time the teachers wanted to give something memorable to close the end of the period for their teaching volunteers.
The material presenters are determined on a rotating basis from the FPK children who teach themselves and do not invite speakers from outside. There were approximately 26 participants who took part in this activity from the Al-Ikhlas Qur’an Education Park (TPQ). Thankfully, the activity process went smoothly from start to finish.
The agenda carried out by the FPK Mengajar team was certainly very interesting and the children participated in this activity with great enthusiasm. Firstly, by delivering the material accompanied by songs and not using PowerPoint as usual, the reason is because in this closing activity they want to use learning media that is fun and the children can enjoy the material provided. The next agenda is coloring, children are free to draw about family, school or daily activities.
The next activity which was no less exciting was the puzzle competition. Here the TPQ children are divided into several groups and they are asked to assemble the puzzle perfectly. The puzzles used are hijaiyah letters and the alphabet. The group that succeeds in putting together the puzzle quickly will certainly get a prize. Lastly, there is writing a letter to yourself. The purpose of this last agenda is so that they can find out how they will achieve their desired expectations.
Don’t forget that at the end of the event there was a distribution of prizes to the winning group of the puzzle-composing competition in the form of a set of stationery. The TPQ children are certainly happy and enjoy their time with the FPK teaching team. The hope is that in the future this activity can continue to exist and provide benefits, both for students and their children.
Writer: Najwa Laska Halqi
Editor : Ayda Zaqiyatunnisa