Deputy Chairman of the East Java Provincial DPRD, Anwar Sadad successfully holds a Doctorate in Islamic Politics. This is after he successfully completed an open examination in the Postgraduate Doctoral program of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Monday (12/6/2023) afternoon.
Anwar Sadad, who also serves as Chairman of the DPD Gerindra Party in East Java Province, revealed the dissertation material he researched. Where the dissertation that was researched was related to the contemporary political context. Entitled Genealogy of Indonesian Islamic Politics of the East Java Provincial Government (An Examination of the Policy Products of the East Java Provincial Government in the Perspective of Maqasid al-Shariah). “I am researching in the context of contemporary politics, politicians who have a pesantren background or Islamic background like me, where to find the substance of Islamic political values,” Anwar Sadad said when met in Surabaya, Tuesday (13/6/2023).
Based on his research, he sees that the substance of Islamic values cannot only be found through campaign jargon. This includes campaign materials or slogans. But according to him, the substance of Islamic values must be found in a policy product. “It must be found in how political institutions, which are the products of politics, the products of political parties, produce policy products. Whether regional regulations, governor regulations and others,” he explained.
In addition, Anwar Sadad said, as long as the regional regulation or policy product also contains a concept called maslahat or Al-Mashalih. “So actually according to the view of the scholars, Muslim thinkers, that as long as there are values of benefit, then actually it can be considered or claimed or labeled that the policy product is already valuable with Islamic law,” he explained.
This, he said, also wanted to provide a view that the struggle for Islamic politics should not stop at symbols and so on. However, it is more substantive and must be seen whether the policy product has maslahah value or not. “One of the opinions I use is the theory of haytsuma wujidat al mashalih, fasamma syar’ullah. Where a benefit is found, there is the law of Allah, so the struggle of Islamic politics is broad, not only for political parties with Islamic identity,” he said.
His promoter, Prof.H. Masdar Hilmy, S.Ag., M.A., Ph.D. also praised Anwar Sadad’s determination to become a representative of the people and a politician who instills Islamic values. He is proud to have been able to bring Sadad to this moment. “We are grateful that Anwar Sadad finally became a doctor. He is a perfectionist who always wants to be perfect,” he praised.
Prof. Hilmy also appreciated that the dissertation was very meaningful for the people. Also attending the forum were the Chairman of the East Java DPRD Kusnadi, Deputy Chairman of the MPR RI Ahmad Muzani, Deputy Governor of East Java Emil Dardak, Chairman of the East Java PWNU KH Marzuki Mustamar, Deputy Chairman of the East Java DPRD Anik Maslachah, Caretaker of Salafiyah Jember Ponpes along with a number of East Java Forkopimda representatives and important government figures.
It is known, Anwar Sadad has completed a number of education in the field of Islamic politics. He is an alumnus of S1 UIN Sunan Ampel Faculty of Ushuluddin, S2 UIN Sunan Ampel Faculty of Islamic Thought and S3 UIN Sunan Ampel Faculty of Dirasah Islamiyah and is now a Doctor of Islamic Politics. (Pca/hjr)