September 19, 2024 23:27

Prodi Sistem Informasi


HIMAPROSIF Participates in FST Website Training

On April 13, 2022, Muhammad Saiful Arif and Moh. Faqih Bahreisy as representatives of HIMAPROSIF (UINSA Information Systems Student Association) participated in training activities to operate the Faculty of Science and Technology Web which was attended by Yusuf Amrozi, M.MT as the vice dean 3 of FST UINSA as well

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HIMAPROSIF Mengikuti Pelatihan Website FST

Pada tanggal 13 April 2022, Muhammad Saiful Arif dan Moh. Faqih Bahreisy menjadi perwakilan dari HIMAPROSIF (Himpunan Mahasiswa Sistem Informasi UINSA) mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan untuk mengoperasikan Web Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi yang dihadiri oleh Yusuf Amrozi, M.MT selaku wakil dekan 3 FST UINSA sekaligus menjadi narasumber kegiatan tersebut. Yusuf Amrozi

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Perkuliahan Prodi Sistem Informasi FST UINSA diikuti Mahasiswa UIN Jambi dan UIN Semarang, melalui Implementasi Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM)

Rabu, 08/09/2021. Melalui skema MBKM ini akhirnya pertukaran pembelajaran terjadi dilingkup Fakultas Saintek PTKIN. Termasuk pada Prodi Sistem Informasi Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN Surabaya. Prodi Sistem Informasi menawarkan mata kuliah E-Government untuk diikuti oleh mahasiswa FST PTKIN se Indonesia. “Kami mulai mengimplementasikan MBKM ini pada tahun ajaran 2021/2022 ini.

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The Information Systems Study Program of FST UINSA is attended by students from UIN Jambi and UIN Semarang through the implementation of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program.

Wednesday, 08/09/2021. Through this MBKM scheme, learning exchanges finally took place within the Faculty of Science and Technology of PTKIN. Including the Information Systems Study Program of the Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Surabaya. The Information Systems Study Program offers E-Government courses to be followed by FST PTKIN students

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UINSA Information Systems Guest Lecture x Amazon Web Services “Migrate From Costly Applications & Databases and Onto The Cloud With Apps Associates”

✨UINSA Information System Proudly Present✨KULIAH TAMU SISTEM INFORMASI UINSA x Amazon Web Services"Migrate From Costly Applications & Databases and Onto The Cloud With Apps Associates" Optimize your operations by taking advantage of the modern, scalable cloud infrastructure. Save the date!📆 : Monday, 23 August 2021🕑 : 14.00 - 16.00 WIB🖥️

by Prodi Sistem Informasi
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Kuliah Tamu Sistem Informasi UINSA x Amazon Web Services “Migrate From Costly Applications & Databases and Onto The Cloud With Apps Associates”

✨Sistem Informasi UINSA Proudly Present✨KULIAH TAMU SISTEM INFORMASI UINSA x Amazon Web Services"Migrate From Costly Applications & Databases and Onto The Cloud With Apps Associates"Optimize your operations by taking advantage of the modern, scalable cloud infrastructure.Save the date!📆 : Monday, 23 August 2021🕑 : 14.00 - 16.00 WIB🖥️ : Zoom

by Prodi Sistem Informasi
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