On April 13, 2022, Muhammad Saiful Arif and Moh. Faqih Bahreisy as representatives of HIMAPROSIF (UINSA Information Systems Student Association) participated in training activities to operate the Faculty of Science and Technology Web which was attended by Yusuf Amrozi, M.MT as the vice dean 3 of FST UINSA as well as being the resource person for the activity. Yusuf Amrozi gave a speech that advised all students who participated in the training to use the website that has been provided optimally. This activity aims to train students who are representatives of each study program to operate the website of their respective study programs so that later every activity from each study program can be published on the FST website in a timely manner.
The participants who participated in the continuity of this activity were representatives of each HIMAPRODI in the FST UINSA environment who would later become contributors of news and content on the website of each study program at the Faculty of Science and Technology UINSA. My hope when attending the activity is to be able to help operate the website that has been provided by the Faculty of Science and Technology with my friend who also attended the activity and provide news information that is useful for the community about what activities have been carried out in the Information Systems study program. In addition, I want to provide information on what is in the Information Systems study program starting from the profile of teaching lecturers, graduate profiles, job perspectives after graduation, and much more.