Wednesday, October 19, 2022. Through Zoom, a Guest Lecture was held by presenting a practitioner in the fishing industry Mr. Yanto Kusmanto, A.Md.Pi, S.E. This guest lecture is intended to provide field experience to participants in the Supply Chain Management (SCM) course at the Information Systems Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. At least 40 guest lecture participants listened to the speaker’s presentation.
Yanto, who was born in Tasikmalaya in 1966, after studying at the Jakarta Fisheries Academy, traveled the world working in the fishing industry sector, for example in 1990 – 1991 working at PT, Almina Utama (Frozen Seafood), Cilacap, Central Java. 1991 – 1992, at PT Intimina Setiatama (Frozen Seafood), Cirebon, West Java. Then 1992 – 2010, moved to PT Central Windu Sejati (Frozen Seafood) (CP Group) in Sidoarjo, East Java. Then in 2011 – now has its own business entity, CV Mitra Sukses Abadi, which is also engaged in the processed milkfish industry and the like to be marketed domestically and abroad. “I was once involved in the bottled water business, but it didn’t seem to be my passion,” said the management economics graduate from UNTAG Surabaya.

In his presentation, Yanto explained that the challenge of SCM management lies in how to collaborate both on the upstream side (supply partners) and on the downstream side (distribution and marketing partners). The key word lies in commitment to partners. In addition, in the context of SCM, we do not always have to own production facilities, but it is possible to outsource, meaning that there are partners who can supply finished products so that we only need to meet market partners who need them.

The guest lecture participants gave many responses and questions, such as the use of information technology in business today, and a number of other questions. According to the ISNU Surabaya administrator, IT is very easily and cheaply accessible and utilized for business purposes. For example, with video calls, you can check from afar the quality of the product to be ordered, and so on. At the end of the guest lecture, Yanto advised students that doing business does not have to wait for the completion of the study period. Especially in the era of mobile information technology like today, the important thing is to be serious and committed to customers. The guest lecture was hosted by the SCM lecturer Mr. Yusuf Amrozi, M.MT.