A trip to UIN Mataram: Building International Research Networks and Collaborations

Mataram, (23/11/2023) – A group of lecturers and academicians from the Faculty of Psychology and Health of Sunan Ampel State Islamic University (FPK UINSA) have just completed their trip to Mataram State Islamic University (UIN Mataram). The group departed from Surabaya on Thursday, November 23, 2023 at 16.30 WIB and arrived in Mataram at 17.30 WITA.
The next day, Friday, November 24, 2023 was the agenda to visit the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) UIN Mataram. The group of lecturers and academicians of FPK UINSA headed to UIN Mataram and arrived at 09.00 WITA. Upon arrival at UIN Mataram, the group was welcomed by Prof. Atun Wardatun, Ph.D as the Head of LPPM and Dr. M. Sa’i as the Secretary of LPPM. The meeting held in the LPPM Secretary’s Room provided several important points, especially in the context of increasing scientific publications. Not only that, another point of discussion is the strategy so that journals that are managed can be indexed by Scopus. The importance of the role of the chief editor in overseeing the quality of manuscripts is a major highlight in order to compete globally.
Another point that was discussed was about international research collaboration. UIN Mataram successfully established a research collaboration with Queensland University, Australia. Research funding from the Australian government provides a great opportunity for UIN Mataram students to be involved in data collection, so that the results of the research can be recognized for accreditation. This kind of research collaboration emphasizes the importance of academic friendship networks across institutions and across countries.
Next, the group met with the Rector of UIN Mataram, Prof. Dr. H. Masnun, in the rectorate room. He welcomed the guests with great enthusiasm, stating that this kind of activity is very important to build networks and maintain friendship between institutions.
After completing a series of activities, the group of lecturers and academicians returned to Surabaya on Saturday, November 25, 2023, bringing home valuable experiences and hopes for continued cooperation between institutions to improve the quality of research and scientific publications.
Writer: M. Ata Zaidan Taufiqi
Editor: Muhammad Syifaul Muntafi, M.Sc