
On May 4 2024, Mathematics Education (PMT) students class of 2023 from Sunan Ampel State Islamic University (UINSA) held a national webinar aimed at discussing writing scientific papers. This webinar was held as part of the final project of the Indonesian language course and was open to the public, attracting interest from various groups of people who want to improve their scientific writing skills. This webinar aims to convey new information, ideas or findings to readers in a particular scientific field. This topic was chosen because of the importance of scientific writing skills in the world of education, research and scientific publications. The two main speakers invited to this webinar are Lisanul Uswah who is a Mathematics Education Lecturer at UINSA and M. Alwi Hidayat who is a UINSA Student

The webinar is divided into two main sessions. The first session was led by Lisanul Uswah Sadieda, who discussed scientific journals themselves. Lisanul explained that scientific journals are regular publications that contain scientific articles and are published by academic institutions or professional organizations in certain fields. Its functions include disseminating research results, supporting communication between researchers, enriching academic culture, being a trusted source of information and references, and acting as an evaluation tool for scientists.

Meanwhile, the second session, led by Mochammad Alwi Hidayat, focused more on guidelines for writing scientific papers. Alwi explained that the process is divided into three stages:

1. Pre-writing: preparing the tools needed to write a written work.

2. Writing: looking for problem topics and developing the essay framework into paragraphs.

3. Post-writing: editing and revising written work, correcting language and spelling errors, and ensuring the format of written work complies with applicable regulations.

The participants actively asked questions and discussed via the chat and question and answer features provided on the Zoom platform. This webinar provides valuable insight for participants in improving their scientific writing skills. It is hoped that participants can apply the tips and strategies shared by the speakers to produce quality scientific papers that are useful for the development of science and education in Indonesia. Thus, this webinar is not only a learning event, but also a forum for sharing knowledge and experiences between speakers and participants who have the same interest in the world of scientific writing.