

UINSA Newsroom, Wednesday (12/13/2023); UIN Sunan Ampel (UINSA) Surabaya welcomed a visit from the Council of Teachers of SMA Negeri 4 Sidoarjo on Wednesday, December 12, 2023. The delegation was directly received by the Head of the New Student Admission Management and the Sub Coordinator of Public Relations and Information in the Meeting Room of the 2nd floor of the Ismail Yakub Tower, Campus A. Yani, UINSA Surabaya.

Welcoming the delegation from SMA 4 Sidoarjo were the Coordinator of Student Affairs and the Sub Coordinator of Academic Services. Dr. Hasbullah Hilmi, S.Ag, S.S, MHI., Sub Coordinator of Public Relations and Information, who guided the activities, extended a warm welcome to the delegation from SMA4 Sidoarjo. This visit is expected to foster good cooperation between the institutions.

“So with this means, we can better understand who UINSA is now. So we can convince all of you to entrust the further education of your children to our institution, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya,” said Dr. Hasbullah.

Meanwhile, the Vice Principal for Public Relations of SMA Negeri 4 Sidoarjo, Moh. Wahyudi, stated that the purpose of this visit is to build relationships and gather information related to the admission of new students at UINSA Surabaya.

“Of course, the hope is that our students at SMA Negeri 4 Sidoarjo can be accepted even more at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya,” said Moh. Wahyudi.

Abdullah Rofiq Mas’ud, SK., MM., Head of the New Student Admission Management at UINSA Surabaya, took the opportunity to present information regarding the selection process for new students at UINSA. This included both national and independent admission pathways, as well as the variety of study programs available at UINSA Surabaya.

During this session, the Head of the New Student Admission Management at UINSA also explained the tuition fee system, which only applies a Single Tuition Fee (UKT). “At UINSA, we do not apply an Initial Tuition Fee or SPI, Institutional Development Contribution. Only UKT, including in the independent admission pathway. And our UKT is regulated through KMA,” explained Abdullah Rofiq.

The activity continued into the afternoon with a question-and-answer session with the council of teachers. Various information was explored in more detail, including details about the scholarships available at UINSA Surabaya. Mochamad Farid Syihabuddin, S.Ag., Coordinator of Student Affairs, explained that UINSA facilitates scholarships for both achievements and financial need. (Nur/Humas)

Editor: Nur Hayati
Photo: MN. Cahaya