

UINSA Newsroom, Monday (04/12/2023); Public Relations (PR) as a function is the collective responsibility of all campus elements, as stated by the Head of the Bureau of Academic Administration, Student Affairs, and Cooperation (AAKK) during the Public Relations Activity on Monday, December 4, 2023. The event took place in the Meeting Room on the 4th floor of the GreenSA Inn Building in Sidoarjo, with the theme “Optimizing the Role of Civil Servants in Public Relations Functions.” The activity is scheduled for two days on Monday-Tuesday, December 4-5, 2023.

Kabiro AAKK, Dr. H. Mamat Salamet Burhanudin, M.Ag., opened the event accompanied by the Coordinator/Chair of the Cooperation, Institutional, and PR Team, Retno Indriati, S.Sos., M.M., and the Sub-Coordinator for PR and Information, Dr. Hasbullah Hilmi, S.Ag, S.S, M.HI.

In his opening speech, Kabiro AAKK emphasized the importance of synergy among all campus elements in carrying out public relations functions. “Even if there are PR officials who take steps in the field of public relations, it is an institutional formality. But PR itself, I think, can be done by all of us personally,” said Dr. Mamat.

Especially with the advancement of the current digital era, where functions such as publicity in public relations become easier to carry out by anyone, anywhere. Therefore, Kabiro AAKK specifically urged all implementers in each unit to be aware of the public relations function in order to enhance UINSA’s reputation.

Previously, the PR Coordinator, in her report as the Chair of the event committee, explained that this activity is one of the efforts of PR in the development of quality and capacity of human resources, especially in the field of public relations. Considering that public relations activities, including Socialization, Promotion, and Publication, can be carried out not only centrally in the PR field but also collaboratively in all units at UINSA Surabaya.

“Through this activity, we seek to provide an overview of the importance of the role of civil servants in providing the best services for both internal and external stakeholders. And to equip implementers in units within UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya with basic capabilities in public relations,” said Retno.

The event, attended by around 70 participants, including Coordinators and Sub-Coordinators in the fields of the AAKK and AUPK Bureau, as well as Implementers in Bureaus, Institutes, Faculties, Centers, and Working Units. It featured speakers from various backgrounds, including Public Relations practitioners from the East Java Provincial Secretariat, and others.

In the first session, Kabiro AAKK presented material on the introduction to the institutional structure of public relations in UINSA Surabaya. This was followed by a session on Protocol presented by Guntur Bagus Tri Atmojo, S.STP., M.Sos., Public Relations Practitioner at the General Administration Assistant Secretary of the Administration Bureau of the Leadership Protocol Section.

Next, on Tuesday, December 5, 2023, presentations are scheduled from Rizqiani Putri, Communication Facilitator, and Chintya Aprillia, S.I.Kom, M.M., Co-Founder & Director at Socioworks. (Nur/Humas)

Editor: Nur Hayati
Photo Design: MN. Cahaya
Highlight: Rian
