The event was opened by the Inspector General of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. H. Faisal Ali Hasyim, S.E., M.Si. CA. CSEP. In his address, Mr. Faisal emphasized that the Inspectorate General will oversee the achievement of the vision and mission of the Ministry of Religious Affairs. One of the strategies employed is to focus on the ministry’s priority and strategic programs outlined in the Ministry of Religious Affairs’ Strategic Plan (Renstra).”

In addition, also present at the opening of this event were the Director General of Islamic Education, Prof. Ali Ramdhani, the Director General of Christian Affairs, and the Director of Islamic Higher Education, Prof. Ahmad Zainul Hamdi, M.Ag.
This activity will continue until November 18, 2023. Speakers from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK), and the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (BAN PT) will be present to provide capacity strengthening in Accountability and Good University Governance at PTKN.
Reporting: SPI
Editor: Nur Hayati