
Developing Nutrition Study Program Lecturers, FPK Conducts HACCP Training

Gunung Anyar – (14-15/08/2023) The Faculty of Psychology and Health at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya held Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) training activities which aimed to provide nutrition study lecturers with information about food safety.

At this event the points presented included;
1. Food safety concept
2. Identification and prevention of food processing hazards
3. Consumer health risks
4. Hazard control

This training activity was held for two days at the UINSA Faculty of Psychology and Health building, Gunung Anyar.

This training activity was attended by twelve health lecturers and presenters from PT Disi Solusi Mandiri. Cecep Heriyani., M. Si as the resource person explained the concept of HACCP, Hygiene and Sanitation of the production process. Not only that, Cecep Heriyani., M. Si also explained the concept of the relationship between GMP and HACCP, Internal audit, and the concept of Kaizen.

There is great hope that holding this event can improve the abilities of lecturers, especially in the field of food and nutrition, so that they can apply this for the welfare of society at large.

Writer : Ata
Editor: Aji