PALP Facilitates Dies Natalis by Administering Psychological Services for Children of the UINSA Academic Community

Gunung Anyar, Surabaya — (02/11/2023) Proving that the Faculty of Psychology and Health (FPK) does not only work for income, the Psychological Assessment and Services Center of Sunan Ampel State Islamic University (PALP UINSA) provides service by facilitating the 2023 FPK Anniversary.
The intelligence test was administered by five testers according to the age of each child from the UINSA Academic Community. This activity runs from 08.00 to 15.00 WIB, on Thursday, November 2 2023.
Located in the FPK Building, Gunung Anyar Campus, the tiny clients also play in a room that has been designated as a children’s play area.
Successfully presenting the test and interacting actively, one of the UINSA Academic Community gave appreciation to the tester who had accompanied his child. The client himself admitted that he liked the PALP team members.
By carrying out this service, it is hoped that the test results can help clients in the academic field. It is also hoped that the PALP institution will always be able to provide psychological services anywhere and to anyone with maximum professionalism in the future.
Writer: Ayda Zaqiyatunnisa
Editor: Muhamad Sangaji H