
FPK Talkshow: Loneliness and Solitude


Gunung Anyar, Surabaya – (03/11/2023) Loneliness and Loneliness are the themes raised in today’s talk show. This event took place from 13.00 until finished at the Faculty of Psychology and Health, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

This talk show was attended by FPK students and became an in-depth forum to explore the topic of loneliness which is relevant to today’s context. The speaker for the talk show, Syafruddin Faisal Thohar., M.Psi, Psychologist as Secretary of the Psychology Study Program, revealed that loneliness is often experienced by students, especially those who do not have activities or hobbies.

“The main characteristic of someone who feels lonely is their inability to ask for help or feeling reluctant to do so, because they feel that they must be able to do everything themselves,” he said.

Apart from that, he provides very useful solutions to overcome loneliness. One way is to increase social interaction with other people. He also suggests looking for a hobby that can help overcome loneliness more easily. He emphasized that romantic relationships are not always a solution to overcome loneliness, because many people have partners but still feel lonely.

The key points from this talk show are good self-management and the ability to adapt to the roles you have in everyday life. The important message conveyed is the importance of not feeling afraid or embarrassed in seeking social support when feeling lonely.

This talk show provided valuable insight to the participants, especially FPK students, in dealing with issues of loneliness and solitude in their lives. Hopefully, this knowledge will help them better overcome these challenges.

Writer: Muhamad Sangaji H
Editor: Aydazaqiyatunnisa
