

By: Dr. Iva Yulianti Umdatul Izzah, M.Si.
Vice Dean for Academic and Institutional Affairs, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UINSA Surabaya

This presentation is excerpted from the morning assembly speech on Monday, November 27, 2023, at Gunung Anyar Campus, UINSA Surabaya. __ I remember when I was a student, not many knew what IAIN was. And when asked where I taught? At IAIN. People would inquire, what is IAIN? Now, many people know what UINSA is. Under the leadership of the Rector, UINSA has become a respected campus. It has achieved a good ranking. Now our task is to elevate UINSA to a respected, sought-after, and coveted campus. Now, in associations of study programs, PTKIN is not left behind. Currently, PTKIN stands on par with state universities in terms of reputation.
