28 – 29 Agustus 2023. Inoverselab FST UINSA kembali selenggarakan kegiatan Internasional Workshop yang bertajuk “Newest Technology : Its not Just Real Time PCR, Elevating Halal Research Through Digital PCR”. Acara dibuka dengan penandatangan MoA oleh bapak Dekan FST UINSA Dr. A. Saepul Hamdani, M. Pd. dengan Ibu Manager PT GeneCraft Labs Drh. Dina Ferdianita, MM. Kegiatan Seminar diisi dengan pemutaran video profil Lab FST UINSA yang mendapat banyak apresisasi dari peserta sebab Lab FST dilengkapi dengan Fasilitas Laboratorium yang sangat memadai dalam mendukung Riset para dosen dan mahasiswa. Selaras dengan tema seminar yang akan berlangsung, Lab FST UINSA juga ikut andil dalam pengujian halal sebagai salah satu fokus Akreditasi Lab.

Masuk ke sesi pemaparan materi pertama oleh Mr. Benjamin Koh, Assosiate Development Manager Foundation QIAGEN, Singapore di Amphitheatre Gedung terpadu lantai 9 UINSA Gunung Anyar. Materi yang disampaikan Mr. Benjamin terkait Comparison between Digital PCR vs Real Time PCR Technology, bertujuan memberikan infomasi mengenai Digital PCR sebagai generasi ketiga dalam teknologi PCR dimana hasil reaksi PCR berupa end point dan deteksi menggunakan fluorescent. dPCR memiliki beberapa keunggulan, diantaranya Kuantitatif, absolut dan tidak menggunakan kurva standar, Pengukuran dilakukan dengan membagi sampel menjadi beberapa partisi, serta toleransi terhadap inhibitor lebih tinggi sehingga dapat menjadi inovasi solutif dalam halal testing. Pemaparan materi kedua oleh Ms. Vicki Vania, S.Si, M.Eng, Sales Application Spesialist, QIAGEN, Indonesia. QIAcuity software suite : Run Setup and Result Analysis merupakan materi yang disampaikan oleh Ms. Vicki yang bertujuan membantu user dalam penggunaan Digital PCR (mengatur plate, menganalisa hasil, dan memantau proses secara Real-Time).

Kegiatan seminar dihadiri oleh beragam Instansi kalangan Akademisi, bidang Usaha, dan Industri diantaranya: UPN Veteran Jawa Timur, UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember, Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Airlangga, Pusat Halal Universitas Airlangga, Akademi Komunitas Negeri Putra Sang Fajar Blitar, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Universitas Islam Malang, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya, Universitas Muhammadiyah Lamongan, Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sidoarjo, Balai Besar Laboratorium Kesehatan Surabaya, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah , SMP/SMA Progresif Bumi Sholawat Sidorajo, PT SUCOFINDO, Balai KIPM Surabaya II, Balai Besar Karantina Pertanian Surabaya, BBPOM SURABAYA dan PT. Multidaya Teknologi Nusantara.

Pada hari ke-2 agenda Workshop diselenggarakan di tempat yang berbeda dari sebelumnya. Genetic Laboratory FST UINSA yang juga diusung memiliki concern Lab Halal menjadi lokasi yang tepat terselenggaranya Workshop bertajuk Halal Testing dengan tujuan deteksi DNA babi menggunakan metode nanoplate digital PCR QIAcuity. Selain itu, Workshop kali ini juga menggunakan primer yang telah terstandarisasi SNI. Sesi pertama para peserta melakukan sterilisasi meja kerja lalu peserta dipecah menjadi 2 tim dalam setiap perlakuan, dilanjutkan dengan preparasi beberapa sampel dari produk makanan yang belum tersertifikasi halal. Sesi berikutnya yakni ekstraksi sampel, di sesi ini peserta sangat antusias sebab proses ekstraksi sampel menggunakan instrumen automasi yakni Qiacube Connect (QIAGEN). Beberapa peserta mengatakan ini merupakan pengalaman pertama dalam menggunakan instrumen ekstraksi automasi. “Proses ekstraksi bisa lebih mudah dilakukan dan tidak membutuhkan banyak tenaga serta bisa menghemat waktu kerja” lanjut salah satu peserta Workshop.

Berpindah ke sesi terakhir yakni deteksi DNA babi menggunakan digital PCR. Peserta diberi arahan terkait sistem dari dPCR seperti cara mengatur thermal cycling dan imaging pada QIAcuity. Selain itu peserta diperbolehkan mengaplikasikan langsung dengan memasukkan sampel ke dalam nanoplate QIAcuity yang berisi well dengan volume yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya. Setelah proses Running PCR kurang lebih 2 jam, sesi yang paling ditunggu yakni Analisis Data Absolute Quantification. Para peserta diberi arahan secara rinci terkait cara menganalisa hasil dPCR. “saya sangat antusias dengan adanya workshop ini karena merupakan pengalaman pertama bagi saya menggunakan Digital PCR yang ternyata sangat mudah pengaplikasiannya namun memiliki sensitivitas yang tinggi” Ucap salah seorang peserta Workshop Halal testing.

28-29 August 2023. Inoverselab FST UINSA again held an International Workshop entitled “Newest Technology: Its not Just Real Time PCR, Elevating Halal Research Through Digital PCR”. The event was opened with the signing of the MoA by the Dean of FST UINSA Dr. A. Saepul Hamdani, M.Pd. with Mrs. Manager of PT GeneCraft Labs Drh. Dina Ferdianita, MM. Seminar activities were filled with video screenings of UINSA’s FST Lab profile which received a lot of appreciation from participants because the FST Lab was equipped with laboratory facilities that were very adequate in supporting the research of lecturers and students. In line with the theme of the seminar that will take place, the UINSA FST Lab will also take part in halal testing as one of the focuses of Lab Accreditation.

Entering the first material presentation session by Mr. Benjamin Koh, Associate Development Manager for the QIAGEN Foundation, Singapore at the Amphitheater of the integrated building, 9th floor of UINSA Gunung Anyar. The material presented by Mr. Benjamin regarding Comparison between Digital PCR vs Real Time PCR Technology, aims to provide information about Digital PCR as the third generation of PCR technology where PCR reaction results are in the form of end points and detection using fluorescents. dPCR has several advantages, including quantitative, absolute and does not use a standard curve, measurement is carried out by dividing the sample into several partitions, and tolerance to inhibitors is higher so that it can be a solutive innovation in halal testing. The second material presentation by Ms. Vicki Vania, S.Si, M.Eng, Sales Application Specialist, QIAGEN, Indonesia. QIAcuity software suite: Run Setup and Result Analysis is material presented by Ms. Vicki which aims to assist users in using Digital PCR (setting plates, analyzing results, and monitoring processes in Real-Time).

The seminar was attended by various institutions from academia, business sector, and industry including: UPN Veterans East Java, UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember, Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University, Airlangga University Halal Center, Putra Fajar Community Academy Blitar, Ten November Institute of Technology , Islamic University of Malang, Trunojoyo Madura University, Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya, Muhammadiyah Lamongan University, Sidoarjo Marine and Fisheries Polytechnic, Surabaya Health Laboratory Center, Surabaya Ministry of Health Polytechnic, University KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah, Bumi Sholawat Sidorajo Progressive Middle/High School, PT SUCOFINDO, KIPM Surabaya II Center, Surabaya Agricultural Quarantine Center, BBPOM SURABAYA and PT. Multidaya Technology Archipelago.

On the 2nd day the Workshop agenda was held in a different place than before. The UINSA FST Genetic Laboratory, which also carries a Halal Lab concern, is the right location to hold a workshop entitled Halal Testing with the aim of detecting pig DNA using the QIAcuity PCR digital nanoplate method. Apart from that, this workshop also uses primers that have been standardized by SNI. In the first session the participants sterilized their work tables and then the participants were divided into 2 teams for each treatment, followed by the preparation of several samples of food products that were not halal certified. The next session was sample extraction, in this session the participants were very enthusiastic because the sample extraction process used an automated instrument, namely Qiacube Connect (QIAGEN). Some participants said this was their first experience using automated extraction instruments. “The extraction process can be done more easily and does not require a lot of energy and can save work time,” continued one of the Workshop participants.

Moving on to the final session, namely pig DNA detection using digital PCR. Participants were given instructions regarding the dPCR system, such as how to set up thermal cycling and imaging on QIAcuity. In addition, participants are allowed to apply directly by inserting the sample into the QIAcuity nanoplate which contains wells with a predetermined volume. After the PCR Running process for approximately 2 hours, the most awaited session was Absolute Quantification Data Analysis. The participants were given detailed instructions regarding how to analyze dPCR results. “I am very enthusiastic about this workshop because it is my first experience using Digital PCR which turns out to be very easy to apply but has high sensitivity,” said one of the Halal testing Workshop participants.