

UINSA Newsroom, Wednesday (11/29/2023); The ceremony commemorating the 52nd Anniversary of the Indonesian Civil Servants Corps (KORPRI) in 2023 took place solemnly at UIN Sunan Ampel (UINSA) Surabaya on Wednesday, November 29, 2023. Held in the Courtyard of the Twin Towers Building, Campus A. Yani UINSA Surabaya, the ceremony was led by the Dean of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities (FAH), Dr. H. Mohammad Kurjum, M.Ag.

In his address, Dean FAH conveyed that the KORPRI Anniversary is a significant milestone in the journey of the Indonesian Civil Servants Corps. According to him, the theme “Korprikan Indonesia” is not just a slogan but a call to strengthen commitment and integrity as servants of the state and society.

“As members of KORPRI, our responsibility is not light. We are the front line in serving the community, the driving force behind development, and guardians of the integrity of the Indonesian nation. ‘Korprikan Indonesia’ means we must set an example in professionalism, dedication, and loyalty to the state and the nation,” said Dr. Kurjum.

Dean FAH also reminded all civil servants to always maintain neutrality in the context of political years as part of our commitment to the country and society. “Neutrality does not mean being passive but actively carrying out our duties and functions without being influenced by any political interests. This is a concrete form of our commitment to prioritize professionalism and integrity,” added Dr. Kurjum.

Furthermore, Dean FAH stated that at the age of 52, KORPRI is required to continue to grow and adapt to the changing times. Innovation and creativity must continue to emerge so that public services provided are not only efficient and effective but also able to meet the expectations and needs of the community.

“May we all continue to work with dedication and become positive agents of change for Indonesia. And remember, in every political event, we are obliged to maintain neutrality, uphold the values of professionalism and integrity as servants of the state and society,” concluded Dr. Kurjum in his address to the entire Management Team, Lecturers, and Education Staff at UINSA Surabaya. (Nur/Humas)

Editor: Nur Hayati
Photo: Vika
Highlight: Public Relations Team
