Saturday, (22/10/2022) is the biggest event of our big event Student Association of English Language Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya continued. Java English Competition (JEC) 2022, the the annual event is one of the big programs of the the association. By taking the theme Youth Innovation in Heralding New Era of Education. Several years, the competition has had its selection stage on the 8th of October 2022. The second stage of the competition was held in two days, Saturday (22/10/2022) for the semi final and final of scoring of the English Olypiad, Story Telling, Speech and Inter-College Essay Competition. The second day, Sunday (23/10/2022) was the announcement of the winner.
Since the pandemic started, JEC has been conducted online. Last year, we got 503 participants which was quite a fantastic count for a competition that was conducted online. Taking similar target of 500 participants, the event in fact has attracted as many as 861 JEC participants this year, a 72% above the target. In addition to the high number of participant, this year JEC 2022 was also marked by the launch of JEC’s Jingle. This jingle contains its goal to ignite the spirit of youth competition to be creative with the existence of JEC.

In her opening speech from the chief of JEC 2022, Nanda Lintang Utari Kuncahyo conveyed the JEC 2022 jargon of sportive, creative, innovative. “Why did I choose that jargon? Firstly, it is sportive, I want JEC participants who are competing to compete in a sporting manner, besides being sporty, they also have creative and innovative obligations.” she said in an interview.

The head of the English Language Education Department, Rakhmawati, M. Pd. hoped that the event can bring a good contribution for the younger generation to developing their English skills. “So this event perhaps can contribute to the Indonesian young generation especially all the way we can, practice our English and we can effort our special talent and also skills in the English language” she said in her speech.

Faizin, M. Pd. I as the Head of Language Education Program also wished his best for the success of the competition and wish all the best luck for the participant.
On the second day, (23/10/22) winning participants were announced. The prizes for English Olympiad (EO) for Junior High School go to Anggela Stephanie Soetanto (SKKK Malang), Maulana Syarif Hadi Kusumo (MTsN 1 Malang), and Muhammad Rafi Dermawan (SMPN 1 Surabaya) as the first, second and third winners. Meanwhile for Senior High School the winners are Theresia Vanesa (SMA Pangudi Luhur Van Lith), Auralyn Putri Jasmine Wirawan (SMAN 1 Probolinggo), and Aisyah Noor Fatihah (SMA Al-Izzah Batu). For the Story Telling, we have Lana Mazaya (MTsN 1 Sidoarjo), Debby Ajeng Chandani (MTsN Progresif Bumi Shalawat), and Rr. Kamila Rarasati Wahab (SMP Al Maahira Malang as the winners. The prizes for Speech Contest go to Bryant Frederico Sutanto (SMA Vita Surabaya), Ilham Ramadhan Al Ghifari (Ponpes Matlabus Salik), and Sharon Tjipto Santoso (SMAK Santo Paulus Jember). For the the Essay Competition Morinda Marsilea Sidarta (UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya) becomes the first winner followed by M. Yarza Abdi Yoan Putra (UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya), and Aprilia Dwi Dharma Prastica (UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya) in the second and third place. It is expected that this annual event can accommodate the talents and abilities of the youth. Congratulations for the winner of Java English Competition 2022 and see you in Java English Competition 2023.