

UINSA Newsroom, Wednesday (12/06/2023); The second day of Public Relations activities on Tuesday, December 5, 2023, proceeded smoothly. The presentations by the speakers Rizqiani Putri, Communication Facilitator, and Chintya Aprillia, S.I.Kom, M.M., Co-Founder & Director At Socioworks, filled the meeting with all the implementing staff at UIN Sunan Ampel (UINSA) Surabaya.

Rizqiani Putri, also the founder of Sinergi Bicara, delivered a presentation on ‘Institutional/Personal Branding.’ The second session continued with Chintya Aprillia discussing tips and tricks for ‘Digital Marketing.’

Prof. Akh. Muzakki, M.Ag., Grad.Dip.SEA., M.Phil., Ph.D., the Rector of UINSA Surabaya, who was present during the presentation on ‘Institutional/Personal Branding,’ stated that as a large campus with the most strategic location support, UINSA needs to appear strategically through the services provided. “Everybody here is a marketer. Therefore, all of us must present ourselves perfectly,” said Prof. Muzakki.

The Rector also appreciated the efforts of the Public Relations Department to upgrade the skills of Educational Personnel. Considering that previously, similar activities were more focused on lecturers or educational staff. “Because if lecturers receive significant training, but the administrative staff do not, it will not create a virtuous ecosystem on our campus,” emphasized Prof. Muzakki.

In this event with the theme “Optimizing the Role of Civil Servants in Public Relations Functions,” the implementing staff were also invited to understand the target market of services through presentations related to ‘Digital Marketing.’ On this occasion, Chintya also highlighted UINSA’s social media appearance and how to better process content.

Present at this event was the Head of the General Administration, Planning, and Finance Bureau (AUPK), Dr. H. Muhtar Hazawawi, M.Ag. In the closing remarks, the Head of AUPK reminded that as civil servants, educational personnel must be able to serve as role models in efforts to create a positive institutional image. “Don’t forget to be part of promoting goodness,” said Dr. Muhtar. (Nur/Humas)

Editor: Nur Hayati
Photo: Dinda
