Halal Food Abstinence in the Modern Era is a Hot Topic for Enriching Competency for 3rd Semester Nutrition Students

Gunung Anyar, Surabaya (07/09/2023) – In the afternoon, at the Gunung Anyar campus, the 3rd semester Nutrition Student Public Lecture with the theme of halal food invited a great resource person from LPPOM MUI, Ir. Hendra Utama, M. M. followed enthusiastically.
This public lecture was held in the auditorium of the Faculty of Psychology and Health on the 2nd floor at 12.30 which was opened by Irul Hidayati, M. Kes. always a lecturer in the nutrition study program, Faculty of Psychology and Health, Uinsa. The material opened by comparing the two types of food in the form of pictures that have the same shape but are processed differently. Not only that, the halal elements in each type of food are also discussed. Starting from how it is managed, the ingredients used, and also whether the food consumed will have a good or bad impact.
The next is to discuss processed food products which apparently have a critical point of non-halalness. The resource person explained that the more complex the product, the greater the non-halal nature of the food. This is what attracted the students’ attention to discuss further with the resource person. The concept of halal and haram was also brought up in public lecture topics. There are 5 types of halal and haram concepts for food or drink consumed, namely halal, haram, thayib, najis, and mutanajis. These five things were emphasized by the resource person to students to always pay attention to the concept of halal and haram before consuming something.
After providing material related to halal food, the resource person, who was LPPOM MUI, gave the students the opportunity to ask questions. Not wanting to waste the opportunity, the 3rd semester nutrition students enthusiastically asked lots of questions for discussion. The resource person also answered questions from students clearly and satisfactorily.
The source said that, “indeed, currently the issue of halal food is something that must be considered by humanity, especially Muslims, therefore those of you who will later work as Muslim nutritionists must be able to raise awareness regarding the importance of always consuming halal food and drinks. ”. Said the father, dressed in neat batik and wearing glasses
After the event ended, the nutrition lecturer who was also present to accompany the guest lecture activity did not forget to give souvenirs and take photos with the speakers. The hope is that the knowledge provided by Ir. Hendra Utama, M. M. can always be useful for nutrition students at the Faculty of Psychology and Health, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.
Writer: Najwa Laska Halqi
Editor : Ayda Zaqiyatunnisa